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I guess this is both a showcase and recruiting question.

Soph son will be attending his first showcase in a month. The showcase will be attended by around 60, mostly regional, colleges and around 20 scouts.

My understanding, according to the NCAA recruiting rules as I read them, is that there can be no off campus contact by the school until July 1st after junior year. So I assume that means that if a school is interested in a player at this showcase, unless that kid is a senior, they can’t talk to them. Is this correct? Although if my son initiates the contact with a coach at a school he may be interested in, walks over, introduces himself, that would be ok, correct? Would you advise doing that if you are interested in the school? Do the players and coaches/scouts interact much at these showcases?

Any insight on the environment of these showcases would be appreciated. It is indoors if that matters. Thank you.
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College coaches can/will contact the travel and high school coaches. They will in turn, tell the player what time would be a good time to call the coach, if the coach is interested. This may happen after the showcase/tournament. A lot goes on long before college coaches can send out written letters to players.
nolan ryan asked...Although if my son initiates the contact with a coach at a school he may be interested in, walks over, introduces himself, that would be ok, correct? Would you advise doing that if you are interested in the school? Do the players and coaches/scouts interact much at these showcases?
Nolan Ryan - If your son is very interested in a school, I would let the coach know prior to the showcase via email or telephone. Most high school sophs will opt for the email. I'd include any baseball/academically related information as well as contact info about son's travel coach. Once at the showcase, he can also introduce himself face to face if the opportunity presents itself. I wouldn't force it. Typically, a college coach will follow up or have a frank discussion with the travel coach as keewart suggests.

Every showcase is different. My oldest son attended a showcase (HeadFirst) where interaction with the coaches was encouraged as long as the coaches weren't working (evaluating others). They would actually set aside some time to talk to recruits who were interested in their school from both a baseball and academic perspective. We've also attended showcases where there is very little interaction. If you are looking for interaction, we've found the best thing to do is schedule an un-official visit with a coach. Once your son is on campus the NCAA rules are much less restrictive. Good luck!
Last edited by fenwaysouth
Originally posted by nolan ryan:
Would you advise doing that if you are interested in the school?

Ahead of the showcase, have your player email the coaches of schools he is interested in to "introduce" himself. Many times, it is not the head coach that is the recruiting coordinator, so you may want to send to both. There is a sample letter on this site you can use as a guide.

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