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Well, I think the short answer is that you have to figure out what options match up best with getting your son in front of the specific schools that he is/will target at the right time.  But there are so many moving parts and its different for everyone so there really isn't a short answer.

He's a 2020.  So, if he is projected to be D1 material, there is a bit more urgency than if he projects D2, etc.  I see you have been a member for a while so you probably know most of the routine.  Ask yourself questions like..  How far down the road is he with a school list, college major, etc.?  Do you have a pretty good feel for what level he will play?  What events will the showcase team attend?  What individual showcase events do you have in mind?  I'm guessing that if the showcase team goes to the big events, that $1,000 is just the beginning.  Figure out those other costs and determine feasibility there. 

What is the schedule for the showcase team vs travel team.  It would be helpful for you to get an objective assessment of your son's skill's; where does he stand with his baseball peer group?  Is he a big kid?  You get a tall 2020 slinging 86+, that's projectable....  

 At this phase of the recruiting for a 2020 I'd deploy the time and money into off season strength training while continuing skill refinement.  Get stronger and get educated with arm care, even if he's a position player.

A 2020 with big skills and physical maturity can get recruited as a rising sophomore.  What sort of colleges is he thinking about?  Is he a good student, great student?  

All of this could tell you whether you should commit to a showcase team which could require a lot of travel.  Might be the same entry fee, but the travel costs could be $400-800 per week.  It all adds up.

Good luck.

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