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We are trying to plan our summer. Which is better, going to a specific college or going to a showcase? We are living in the North but son wants to go back south for college/baseball. He has already had a few questionnaires from D1 colleges up here and has attended one college camp. He is currently a sophomore. I have heard that this is the time he needs to attend these events. I thought as long as we are in these areas we would like him to attend a couple of these events?
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We're in Wisconsin too. One local showcase that is inexpensive and was attended by quite a few out of state coaches was the Showtime Sports Camps. Last year it was in Appleton in June. The coaches in attendance were mostly Midwest - but they extended as far south as Arkansas and Kentucky. The showcase attracted some good players who signed NLIs this fall - it's primarily kids between Jr/Sr year.

They also put together an all star team from the attendees to play in a tourney in Chicago. My son made the team but was unable to play because his Legion team went to the State tourney. If you'd like the address of the website or any other info, let me know. I don't have any affiliation with the showcase, my son just attended their camps in middle school and went to the showcase last year.
Although PG's thread on "Changes in recruiting" in the Main forum may have some bearing on your decision, I'll share our experience.

Son is a Junior this year. Last summer, we very much wanted to go to Stanford's camp. But the camp was already full by the time we received the application. Initially, plan B was to go to KU's camp but since our son is interested in a Service Academy, opted for Army's camp instead.

Although it was a good experience, Army coaches told my son NOT to come back to Army's camp this year but instead, do everything possible to get to Stanford's camp. If Stanford is not a possiblity, then get to KU's camp in August. The reason for this is that they want to see him against high caliber competition.

Budgeting issues are a concern for us, because nothing is close. We made the decision last year to invest in one camp that was of interest to my son. This year, we will be much more aggressive in our choices. Our plan is Stanford camp, one PG event, and a fall team that will go to AZ classic and Jupiter.

The Jr-Sr summer is the time that you absolutely want to maximize your exposure. So I would suggest that you do the college camp this year at a school that perhaps has some interest to your son. Hopefully, a college camp will also have beneficial instruction, so he will be able to pick up a few things that he can focus and work on thoughout his Junior year to become a better player. Showcases are generally designed to "show what a player has", not to develop that player in his skills. Save the showcasing for next year when it will be most valuable to him.
everyone, Thank you for your help. Montanadad, he has been to quite a few college camps and they seem to melt together. My son just attended University of Michigan's camp this Christmas break and my husband was very impressed with how they ran the camp. My son picked up a few pointers on his pitching. Infielding the coach told him to ask HS coach about shortstop position playing time. Hitting was told just to keep the power coming. I have heard that kids are getting looked at their sophomore year. We were lucky, he started 3rd base on Varsity as a Freshman so he did get noticed by some of the Big 10. He would like to hit some southern colleges/showcases, but as you said the biggest concern is money. Our vacations are all baseball anyway. This is a great way to spend what time we have left before he leaves the nest.

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