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From the article (advertisement)
There was a time when college coaches and pro scouts hit the long, hard road attending game after game after game to find their recruits. Those days are long gone and so are the days of relying on being noticed from a HS or summer league game.

Hog Wash --- Summer leauge games are a very important part of being noticed. Jim Gemler (director of field operations of teameone/baseball factory) is just tooting teameone's/baseball factory's horn in an over dramatic way. He's attemptine to scare the parents of prospects into boosting his budget. Are showcases important? Absolutley --- but as PG Staff will tell you they are just one piece of the recruiting puzzle.
For me there are various steps in the recruiting process of being seen and getting exposure

Step One---playing HS Ball
Step Two---playing high profile summer ball
Step Three---playing high profile fall ball
Step Four---intermingling showcases with your game schedule

Bottom line to me is being seen as often and in as many different venues as possible---the more places seen the more chance of being noticed by someone who likes your talent
Last edited by TRhit
TR suggests a sensible proven route with his recommendations, imo

for me t1/bbf has less credibility than ever as their operation is structered to hook the player/parents into writing always another $check$ to achieve the next step in their stream of promises & programs ...
to the benefit of t1/bbf bottom line $$$

Last edited by Bee>
I would like to stay out of this discussion, but one thing should be addressed IMO. That would be this comment.

Showcasing is arguably the most important step in a young ballplayers journey towards college baseball.

Maybe the writer was referring to something completely different, but.....

While showcasing has helped many players, it can't help everyone. There can be no argument of what the single most important thing is in reaching college or professional baseball. That is TALENT! Nothing can beat talent!

It's really odd how much people/showcases can do for a talented player vrs a player who lacks the neccessary ability to play at the next level. If there are showcases out there that can get college scholarships for untalented player, please let us know because we haven't figured that one out yet.

We invite the best players we know of to our events. Many of these players have never been to a showcase. If we know about them, so do the colleges and even some MLB scouts. If they never attend a showcase, they still are top players. That said, the showcase might still give them additional exposure to an even larger audience. It could help create an even better college opportunity or a higher draft slot. But it's all up to the player and his ability, not the event that he attends!

College recruiters do scout games and tournaments. In fact, the very best recruiters work as hard as we do to find top players and they have contacts all over the place. For all but the very top programs, the best chance of finding and landing a highest level talent is by scouring the not so well known players. After all, when a top player shows up at a big event, the big power schools are hard to beat in recruiting.

For what it's worth, people should do what their budget allows and if money is a problem, figure out the best way to get thier son's name infront of the right people and play the best competition possible.
My impression, and it isn't based on much real information so take it with a grain of salt, is that players are found outside of HS more often these days and HS games are used more to check the progress of players scouts are already aware of. As a result they are less likely to spend much time looking at the other players, although I'm sure it happens when someone other than the player they are there to see shows some real talent.

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