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Don't have any info on this college but....

What if the Siena coach reads these message boards? Do you think he might be offended that you are soliciting info on a public message board ? What if he has other offers out there and those players see this? Does this get the coach in hot water??

Just food for thought and there are many experienced posters that will know the answers you seek.
Last edited by CaBB
Not at all actually...he's a classy/honest guy and fully understands what is at stake. He's looking out for his program and we're looking out for our son.

We simply would like to here about those have played for and attended the college.

Don't you think that there are thousands of kids and families going through this right now?

This is a life changing that we do not take lightly.I've received nothing but wonderful feedback from my posts here.

Go away... he's done nothing wrong and neither have I.
No, actually I think you may have done something wrong - since it can be determined from another recent post of yours that this offer you speak of is for 100%. I can't imagine that he'd want you blabbing about that - not the coach or your son.

Not sure why that mattered anyway ... you could have merely asked about the school and have gotten the same answer. Good luck!
Bizzimom@bat you keep asking questions at the end of the day what is important is that you make the right decision and help your son or daughter make the choice that best fits them. It's a two way street and you and we as parents have the right to check and double ckeck all the information. My son is a solid ball player but really doesn't let it consume him so we as his parents did all the investigative work and advised him on what information we found out. He had several offers and at the end when it came time to decide he ended up choosing a University that gave him the best of all worlds Athletically, Academically and Socially. He understands the odds and has made what we believe is a educated decision. So keep asking don't worry if you **** anyone off and remember to whom you are loyal and rest will take care of itself. Remember when they choose to attend a college they are student athletes and not the other way around.
Last edited by RYNO
Knowing the Siena program as well as I do I find it hard to believe that they are offering 100% to an OF---no offense but I do not see that happening

Also since you list Ballston Spa as your location I find it difficult to fathom the fact that you know nothing about a major school in your own backyard

Is this some sort of fishing expedition?

I'm really sorry if I offended you- I did not mean to. I was just posing a question for you to consider. Having been through this process last year and watching friends go through it this year I just thought you might want to consider that not all coaches want their offers out there for public knowledge because they often will make multiple offers.

Again, didn't mean to offend.
Thanks Ryno Smile. I appreciate your insight as well as your support. I will continue to ask and will continue to do the investigative work. At the end of the day all I want is for my son to be happy.It's been a long hard you know.

In respectful response to clchamp: You're 100% incorrect and rather rude.--and in case you're not aware, there is no such thing as a 100% baseball scholarship anymore.Ripping people down without proper facts is not productive.Blabbing is ot my style-- I'm here to learn all I can.

"If you don't have something nice to say then don't say it at all"

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