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Looking into northeast schools with my junior son. Any comments or knowledge regarding the above schools/programs. Have read all the websites, looking for firsthand knowledge or experiences. Easy to see why some of these schools have early season losing records, my goodness, look at Siena's early season schedule - great competition!

I'm also trying to get a feel for the baseball funding levels at these schools. Does anyone know if they are fully funded (or funded to what level)?
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I do not believe that any of the 4 schools you mention are fully funded

We have/had players at all of the programs and there no complaints from any of the players or families

All programs are solid Northeast baseball programs with excellent leadership---odd item--the head coach at Sacred Heart wears a Super Bowl ring--he was a linebacker on the Redskins Super Bowl Winners

You can't miss at any of the school and they are all excellent academic schools

Hope this helps you
If you are looking at Siena and Marist it may also be worthwhile to check out Le Moyne College in Syracuse. Definitely comparable to the schools you mentioned. Baseball seems to be the prioritized sport at LeMoyne (being the only D1 sport other than field hockey). As for Siena-they have produced many successful baseball players including the Hayner brothers who run the Sports Barn in Malta. Also Greg Holle's dad played there, Greg is a freshmen at TCU, his dad played pro ball a little I believe. However they have a successful basketball team (knocking off Vandy in the 1st round this year) and may be prioritizing that more than baseball. Just a few thoughts. Both are great Roman Catholic affiliated schools.
Thanks TRhit and Chris. I have not posted much in the past but do read through others posts. I was hoping that you TRHit would respond, as it seems like you have a very good pulse reading on NE baseball. Chris - 30 years ago I played D2 baseball and played pitched against Le Moyne in the D2 regionals in Syracuse (I think it was McCarthur Stadium - used to be Yanks AAA home). Ahhh what memories.

Thanks again for the replies guys.
MAAC conference is a good northeast conference. (Siena & Marist) Siena does play a strong schedule on their spring trip. Great recruiting tool for a northern ball player. The field is nice too. One thing I can pass on is Look at how many Asst. coaches Siena has had in the last five years(baseball experience and knowledge???). I know Coach Rossi has been there forever(even pre Div I status) nice guy but I think the program would GREATLY benefit from a new coaching prospective. School academics are great.
I know a couple players at Quinnipiac too and they really enjoy playing there. Academics good there too.
Sorry if you felt I was "bashing" Siena and Coach Rossi. If you re-read my post....I SAID good schedule, field and academics. If that's bashing??? I also said Coach Rossi was a "nice guy" I just feel in my opinion the program needs a breath of fresh air. Sorry if my opinion is not allowed. I know this is my first post, but I've been following this site for many years. I just felt that I finally could add something to help cardinalsfan.(lived it not just speaking off the cuff!!)Everyone has different experiences and if we can't share them then I guess I view this site differently. If anyone is "bashing" I believe it would be TR and
RJM. Cardinalsfan if you would like to send me a PM then I can share our experience without offending anyone!
I wouldn't worry about it. TR doesn't think anyone should have an opinion unless it's first approved by him. He's just a bully and its always best to ignore those types.
FWIW, I played with the coach in question years ago on a semi-pro team in Albany and from my experience I would agree with your sentiments.
One person asked for some opinions/experiences. Another individual gave her opinion/experience. That, in my "opinion", is not "bashing". How her opinion is interpreted may vary, based on one's own viewpoint/experiences. However, I thought that this message board gave opportunities for individuals to share their opinions/experiences. Again, these are opinions. If individuals are criticized for sharing their opinion, then why does this message board exist?
This thread has sat a bit now and the "basher" as I call her, after all of two posts has "vaporized"

I am talking of the Siena posts

Where is she now that the team is on the "bubble" with regard to the tournamnt playoffs---funny how it works isnt it---come --drop your bomb --and run away---my dog does the same when she does a #2---you get the picture?

KK--you PM others but not me---be mature and say what you have to say

We have 4 players from our program on the roster and one could well be a draft pick at the end of the year---Yes , they had a tough year last year but they have rebounded---that is the story of college baseball---where is KK now?

I for one get tired of the people who register--drop there bombs-- and never return for the final discussions
Last edited by TRhit
If you mean Ms. Karnes, what I see is that it appears (?) she had the guts to use her real name, she wrote candidly and from some apparent personal knowledge, and she got attacked personally.

If she didn't come back after that first experience here, who can blame her?

Maybe the problem isn't that you were right all along. Maybe the problem is that you were wrong all along.

I think the truth is that she was off base all along--- and are you sure that is her real, actual, name?

There is nothing in her profile to indicate that, not that I can see but then again I may not be as smart and intuitive as you

She/He may be like the many others on here using ID's that are not for real and hiding their true being
Gotta be in some agreement with KK.

My indirect experiences (of fifteen years)
with one of those NE schools includes:

a) Thru a former assistant coach
b) Thru a former player

Both are not positive experiences, thus
unable to recommend as a baseball
college for the tweener type mid-level
D1 conference player outside upstate NY,
unless that proverbial onion is peeled back.
That also takes time. Maybe 15 years is not
long enough.

Turn the page!
Last edited by Bear
Originally posted by TRhit:

Hey p#cker head, try to keep up.

I did watch R Serling though.

Boots on ground here.
It's funny when jumping rope.
I also enjoy Ray Bradbury, the fantasy writer
(who also wrote for TZ)

Oh I forget, you don't read and
your active listening skills are 'fricking' old.
Last edited by Bear
Well Tom, (that is your real name right?) you are a real piece of work! I haven't responded to the post,(vaporized as you put it) because I said what I had to say and got attacked by you!! Life's way to short for your ****!! Midlo, you're right by the way,Ms. Karnes IS my name!! I believe you missed your calling it's not running baseball was on stage as a "Drama Queen!" Really what do you get out of being such a bully on this site??!! Anyway...I'm not going to lower myself to your level. I still stand by my post. I love Siena as a school and I'm a big fan of many of the current and former players. "Jake" in my opinion should be drafted! Really gamer and great kid! Anyway, Tom I'm sure your already thinking of how to cut down my post, so I'll sign off now.
Oh, and since I'm not mature, as "TR" says I guess I'll leave with one final message. Tom, GET A LIFE AND A CLUE!!!
Bear, Coach Cilento was the best thing at Siena....all down hill after he left!
MS Karnes
Yes my names is Tom.

Why are you so thin skinned?

I still find it interesting that ANY POSTER comes on , takes swipe at a well established program and Coach and then "vaporizes" before our eyes.

I do not consider it an attack when I ask a question like I did---your one final message could be considered an attackd but such is life

By the way I expect Jake to be drafted ---all the indicatiions are positive

And Coach Cilento is doing fine as well

In closing let me tell that I have a life and a great one and as for clues I think I am OK in that category as well, thank you
I attended Siena with my Son last year around this time . It was his first offical visit with a D1 school.I thought Coach Rossi was a warm and sincere guy!I was very impressed with him!(nice office located above the left field foul pole) I was impressed with the School etc,Catholic, Francisian order.High tution! Small school. My Son chose to attend a WVU.Coach Rossi A Class Act!!
I can tell you they offered my Son 15K,he's a position player.He decided to attend (WVU) a larger university for much less but the tuition was also less, he made the decision.I know it changes this year where if on roster I think it's a quater schlorship.?I would highly reccomend Siena.They always play an outstanding OOC sched.Great Acedemics.I hope this helps!

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