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We are in the “business” of sharing opinions and information. We have to understand we are biased, most have limited knowledge, and for the most part we are NOT polished in our delivery. I can’t tell you what 1,000 baseball players did to get a college scholarship ----- but I can tell you what 1 player did. I don’t know how ALL high school coaches select their starting line-up but I have a good idea how one selected his. I don’t know how effective weighted balls are but I know they aren’t necessary.

So what’s the point of this post? After reading some recent posts and seeing how some are criticized for sharing their opinions I felt it would help if we all step back and look at how the HSBBW “works”. Each reader needs to sift through the different posts and threads, look at the author if possible, select the information that fits their situation and hopefully they can get something that will help. Posters should continue to share their opinions and experiences no matter “uninformed” or biased they are. Let US determine if you’re way out in left field and ---- if you won’t share where you’re coming from we’re smart enough to figure it out on our own. If a hundred parents/players/coaches/salespeople share their recruiting/playing/coaching/sales experiences you can bet all will be different but all can provide some information. Individually we have a few answers ---- United we have all the answers.
Disclaimer: The preceding was an opinion and contains little or no valid information.
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