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I have seen a lot of coaches in high school doing their signals fairly fast or long.  What do you all use as your signals?  It seems fast or hard to keep up.  Or is more simplar than that.  What do you use as your signals in which you can go quick and the team understands them.  Please let me know.

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Pretty much have an opening indicator the actual signal(s) and a closing indicator.  Everything else does not matter. The kids watch for the opening indicator and then the signal or two and the closing indicator.  Doesn’t matter how long you are giving signals for the player only needs to understand a small portion of what’s being given out. Everything else is junk movement 


Same... have an indicator, simple signs and a wipe.  Everything flashed outside of that is extra BS.  We change the indicator and the wipe regularly within a small menu of possibilities.  So, even if opposition knows our signs, they don't know the indicator and/or wipe for that day so it is very tough to know for sure what we are doing.   I'll often flash sign with wrong indicator or use wipe to take off sign so we are able to get defense to think we have something on and adjust their positioning in our favor.  After that happens a few times, they are completely guessing.

At the end of the day, though, execution plays a bigger role than good sign calling.


I used wrist bands this year and LOVED them.  Very simple, very difficult to pick up and take very little time.

Before that though I would do number of touches after an indicator.  For example - hat bill was indicator then count touches after that.

1. Steal, 2. Hit and Run, 3. Bunt, 4. Squeeze, etc...

I like the wrist bands much better though.

I hear teams do number of touches but to me that seems hard to remember going so fast.  Always wonder how to count so fast and remember 7 different things.


Not a big fan of wristbands though they can work.  I dont like the idea of players taking eye off the ball and yelling out numbers.  The signals now become less discrete or obvious something is on.

I use all junk motions and will ask if they got it on regular basis but  our signs are claps.  1 Bunt 2 Steal 3 Hit and Run 4 Delayed steal  I'm not a clapper naturally and will clap 5 for more on a regular basis just to keep the other on their toes or will clap twice with no one on.  Wipe chest at any time is fake bunt.   Had wristbands just in case and for defensive calls.  Some times would give a number and then clap.

Pitch calls are all numbers, no wristbands.  Catcher never has to give a sign and pitcher is ready by the time he gets the ball back.  Use four numbers, one is pitch other is location other two are decoys and we can change on the fly.  1-4 and 5-8 are the same so there are two numbers for every pitch.  9 is fastball low and out.


What calls on wristband do you use for defensive stuff.

When pitching we keep it simple and just use two numbers look at wristband and make call.  We have a lot of stuff on there besides just pitches so I like it.

Would like to come up with a signal for backdoor pick at first.  

Also, what do you use for each baseman to say to cut and hold and to throw through?

Last edited by Nathan

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