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Yesterday was a pretty spring day here in NC, and my son finished his homework with enough time for us to have a catch in the backyard. It was wonderful ... Since he started throwing too hard for me to catch him, we just haven't had or made the time for simple catch. He worked on getting a feel for a new pitch for him (slider), and so I have the egg on my shin to show for it, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Time is going by quickly...

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As I read CluelessDad post above the Field Of Dreams played in my mind.  Brought back many fond memories when son was 4 - 16 and "I" was helping him practice throwing and catching.  Now son would come home during summer break from college for a few months.  Couple of years ago (after watching FOD of course) I asked my son if he wanted to play some catch.  Naturally he had something to do so we made plans for "tomorrow".  I was a little bummed but fine with it.  Well, "tomorrow" never came for several months.  During Christmas break I again asked him if he wanted to play some catch.  He thought I was nuts since was a little drizzly outside, but after much pleading on my part he finally gave in.  As we played he commented a few times how I look a little awkward catching and throwing, heck it's only been 4 years since I last had a glove in my hand!  Let me tell you this though, that 20 plus minutes of playing catch brought back soooo many fond memories.  We talked about many things, nothing of real importance.  He never realized it but for a brief time it made his almost 60 year old man feel young again, and he was once again that kid.  He is now playing in the minors so those days will be sparse.  I don't expect him to understand (yet) how the simplest of things can make a parent feel appreciated, alive once again.  It doesn't take gifts or money from son to show his love for me.  Instead, something as simple as the above will give me a lifetime of memories.  Good stuff CluelessDad.

Last edited by Trust In Him

Having reached 60 myself, S1 (18yo Varsity, soon to be College player) is a tough catch for me, unless he justs lobs the ball. Even the 14yo is starting to get to the point where his ball is moving a bit, but I'll have maybe one more year or so with him. Both guys have strong arms even amongst their peers, and my eyes aren't getting any better. 


My husband is a 66-year-old cradle robber. :-)

He shot my son's recruiting video last year, and after lecturing us repeatedly about not standing in front of my 2018 when he was throwing, he did just that. Son nailed him (not on purpose) in the back and he went down like a rock.

Son added insult to injury with the comment — "gee dad, you're lucky it was just my change up!!"

I remember throwing with my oldest a couple of years ago. Just normal throwing at 60 feet or so.

He tells me to look at the movement he can get on his splitter...

My eyes saw it coming in.  My brain calculated it would be about waist high. My glove went to the correct height to catch it.

Then it hit me in the foot.

I'm thankful the youngest would rather play any other position than pitcher because I don't know that my apparently diminished skills are up to the task of catching these days. 

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