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I've searched the old threads but I am also looking for fresher takes on it. Any and all feedback is appreciated from anyone with some experience.

Related, very interested in hearing from those who tried PT first and avoiding surgery. Was it a waste of time? And, of course, very interested in hearing from those who had surgery and what the rehab and success was, etc.

Thanks in advance for those willing to share their knowledge and experience.

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Last season my son suffered one sliding head first into home. 

The team trainer tried to help but was basically over her head.  The school doctor was disinterested and delayed the MRI to see if it would heal on its own.  After the season we went to a top sports ortho who recommended an excellent PT who specialized in throwing athletes.  After 12 weeks of fairly grueling rehab my son was able to swing and throwing had returned to about 75% (sufficient for an OF).

My biggest takeaway is that 10 weeks were wasted while the school staff dithered, and the PT put him through routines that were effective and that somehow no one on the school staff were aware of.

Just sharing what Doctor 1 said in case it's helpful to anyone seeing this in the future.


If you're done with sports and just going to be a normal person, no need for surgery, do some anti-inflammatories and PT to try and get the pain down and hope that works. If it doesn't, then consider surgery. But, keep in mind that most people over 50 have a SLAP tear, just naturally, and do nothing about it and deal with it.

If you want to keep playing baseball, have the surgery.

You can do it now, say April, miss the rest of your season but you should be ready to go by the start of next fall semester, if you want to keep playing baseball and have a place to play.

Or, you can do some medication and PT now, to try and get back on the field in about 4 weeks, and play with the pain this season "because it can't get any worse" and then have the surgery after the season, say in June. BUT, then, you wouldn't be "back" until just about the start of the 2026 season (if you wanted to play and had a place to play), around January, and you would have gone pretty much without no prep work (in terms of "normal baseball offseason stuff") to get ready for that spring season.

What are we doing? Going to see Doctor 2.

After that, there's a lot of variables to factor in for making a decision.

Return to play following nonsurgical management of superior labrum anterior-posterior tears: a systematic review - Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery

This sums it up better than I can. Basically, some do extremely well with only PT and some it fails. We don't know exactly why some do well and other people don't. I do recommend getting a PT that specializes in overhead athletes or is at least comfortable in treating overhead athletes. Many PTs aren't really capable in returning athletes to sports (I'm a PT).

@Francis7 posted:

Just sharing what Doctor 1 said in case it's helpful to anyone seeing this in the future.


If you're done with sports and just going to be a normal person, no need for surgery, do some anti-inflammatories and PT to try and get the pain down and hope that works. If it doesn't, then consider surgery. But, keep in mind that most people over 50 have a SLAP tear, just naturally, and do nothing about it and deal with it.

If you want to keep playing baseball, have the surgery.

You can do it now, say April, miss the rest of your season but you should be ready to go by the start of next fall semester, if you want to keep playing baseball and have a place to play.

Or, you can do some medication and PT now, to try and get back on the field in about 4 weeks, and play with the pain this season "because it can't get any worse" and then have the surgery after the season, say in June. BUT, then, you wouldn't be "back" until just about the start of the 2026 season (if you wanted to play and had a place to play), around January, and you would have gone pretty much without no prep work (in terms of "normal baseball offseason stuff") to get ready for that spring season.

What are we doing? Going to see Doctor 2.

After that, there's a lot of variables to factor in for making a decision.

Doctor 2 pretty much said the same thing but not 100% aligned with Doctor 1.

Doctor 1 said you pretty much can't make it worse if you try and play with it now. Doctor 2 said you can definitely make it worse if you push it and try something stupid.

Doctor 2 did agree that surgery is probably the way to go now if you want to return to your normal position and normal level of effectiveness at that position. BUT, he said that few insurance companies will approve the surgery without trying 6 weeks of PT first anyway. So, you might as well try it and see if it helps or not.

@Francis7 posted:

Doctor 2 pretty much said the same thing but not 100% aligned with Doctor 1.

Doctor 1 said you pretty much can't make it worse if you try and play with it now. Doctor 2 said you can definitely make it worse if you push it and try something stupid.

Doctor 2 did agree that surgery is probably the way to go now if you want to return to your normal position and normal level of effectiveness at that position. BUT, he said that few insurance companies will approve the surgery without trying 6 weeks of PT first anyway. So, you might as well try it and see if it helps or not.

good luck.  injuries suck.

Yeah that’s true about insurances not paying for surgery until usually 6 weeks of PT. Even if he still needs surgery, the stronger he can get the surrounding muscles prior to surgery the better so it’s definitely not a waste of time either way. If you go to a decent PT and you have a high copay and that’s an issue, usually they will set you up with a solid home program and just need to update it every 1-2 weeks.

@#newtothis posted:

Yeah that’s true about insurances not paying for surgery until usually 6 weeks of PT. Even if he still needs surgery, the stronger he can get the surrounding muscles prior to surgery the better so it’s definitely not a waste of time either way. If you go to a decent PT and you have a high copay and that’s an issue, usually they will set you up with a solid home program and just need to update it every 1-2 weeks.

It works for him too because he really doesn't want the surgery unless it's absolutely positively necessary. He's even willing to try another position with less throwing. I do know that he would be a capable LF or 1B because he could do that before he got hurt. But, I'm not sure about it post-injury? Plus, he's not huge and I know coaches favor big men at those positions.  Also, you really have to hit there. He's a good hitter but there's always going to be someone who is a mega bat that they're going to hide at 1B or LF. That's just what happens in baseball.

Son realized he had a tear last summer after pain and getting an MRI. He is a RH/LHH and had was given similar choices. His tear was 6:30-8:30. Surgery was first half of August. Surgeon, son, and team medical staff on the same page, all opting for a slow and systematic recovery. Missed entire fall, started back to hitting 3rd week of January (roughly 6 months) and is now hitting overhand BP with 80% swings. Started back to throwing a month later and is now throwing up to 90 feet after 7 weeks. It was kind of assumed but he confirmed he would redshirt this season 2 weeks ago. Planning to play this summer and Lord willing he will have a healthy Jr/Sr year...

He is loving his team, coaching staff, and school. Team having a resurgent year under new leadership and beat our 4th ACC midweek opponent last night.

Thanks @used2lurk and good luck to your son. I know it's an injury that sucks.

A year might be right. Everything I read says 6 weeks post-op immobilized in a sling and then about 5 months of rehab, bringing the total to around 6 months.

But, when I mentioned it to my son, he said that was just to get past post-op and it would be a year until he could really throw again. And, even then, catching would probably be out of the picture.

I'm really surprised that more catchers don't get SLAP Tears considering the amount of throwing they do and then the stress of having to throw a ball 128 feet, from a crouch, in less than 2 seconds. Especially those who have been catching for a long time.

The 6 weeks post-op was bad…but you get used to it and it is what it is. Son had to ride in backseat of truck the 20 hours to campus 1 week after surgery. It was really tough for him.

He feels better than ever right now but continues to be disciplined in his process. Got to throw with him from 60 feet 2 weeks ago. I loved every single second of it…

@used2lurk posted:

The 6 weeks post-op was bad…but you get used to it and it is what it is. Son had to ride in backseat of truck the 20 hours to campus 1 week after surgery. It was really tough for him.

He feels better than ever right now but continues to be disciplined in his process. Got to throw with him from 60 feet 2 weeks ago. I loved every single second of it…

The 6 weeks sounds really bad especially for people used to being active.

The system is now working against us. Insurance says you need 6 weeks of PT before they will approve the surgery.

So, he goes to the PT that's affiliated with the school and they say "We can't start you until late May because we're full."

Late May? It's freaking March now. And, BTW, by late May, school is over and he will be back home at that time.

We just keep losing more and more time here.

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