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It is good to see professional sports teams incorporate sleep and rest in to "training".  My wife and I were talking about the importance of sleep for kids and how at least in our case, they get less sleep than we did due to a heavier school work load.  Combine 3 - 5 hours of homework a day with baseball, and it can take a toll on physical and mental development.  I would like to see more schools consider the importance of sleep for jr high and high school students - ours doesn't.   Less homework and more baseball of course. 

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Proper sleep can be managed up through HS.  But just how well it might seems to depend a lot on the individual.  I don't see any way for Jr. High or HS's having much control over this.  It's really up to the student to develop good time management.

Of my two sons, one hated to sleep and found all kinds of reasons to stay up as late as possible and he'd fall short of the sleep he should have really gotten.  He seemed to function fine on less than recommended sleep, though to our chagrin. 

The other son we didn't have an problem at all and he was one who was early to bed and get lots of sleep except on special occasions where he needed to get up early to finish some kind of home work or last minute studying for a big test.

College was something the latter son lost control of his sleep schedule given the grind of a student-athlete.  He felt so revealed when he started playing pro-ball after college as he could get the rest he felt he needed to perform well.


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