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I wonder if that is a new trend. guys like altuve, bregman, benintendi have hit for decent power and done very well in MLB. what do you think is causing that? are shorter guys now instructed to hit balls in the air more rather than slap and run?

will that trend affect scouting in a way that smaller Players with average raw power but good contact skills and a bat path conductive to produce a lot of those 15-30 degree Launch angles get more of a look?

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I have seen the axe handle bats...they look really cool. I have never swung with one nor has my son. HAs anyone any experience using those bats?? Tell us the plusses or minuses. They look so different...the axe handle looks really aggressive and if it makes my son feel more aggressive then maybe it is worth investing in a couple for the showcase season upcoming this summer....

Son has used AXE are some of his learnings:

1. Definitely helps with palm up / palm down orientation.

2. Shape of handle helps keep the handle in your fingers as opposed to your palms.

3. As a result of items 1 & 2, hands seem to be faster.

4. Great for a swing that focuses on creating backspin upon contact.

5. For swings where upper body tilt is used to create launch angles,  the AXE handle shape / grip helps remind you to tilt your upper body.

6. Pop is comparable to other top name brands, however, he believed he could get 5-10 extra feet from his AXE

Last edited by Scott Munroe

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