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I have started this thread over about 10 times. Not sure how to word it as not to "self promote", how to tie it into baseball when it isn't all about baseball and I just don't seem to get the words out right so here it goes.

I just wanted to post a note to announce that my son has received a very nice scholarship offer to attend Kansas State University and has accepted.

As most of you know this isn't for baseball, instead Britton will be going to KSU to pursue what he is better at and that is Journalism, not baseball. He has already had his baseball dream and that dream from start to finish was to play HS baseball.

The moral of the story is to enjoy High School and if you are lucky enough to play a sport remember to play it with everything you have for as long as you can. If you dedicate yourself to a sport in High School one of the most important things to remember is to have a Plan B because in the end your Plan B might just be what pays your bills and gives you your identity and peace.

I am very thankful that Britton put as much if not more into his Plan B. And it just goes to show that even an average kid academically can get colleges excited over them when they put effort into their talents.

Any others out there with similar announcements?
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Please give my congrats to Britton! What an accomplished writer he has become!

I'm already looking forward to the day when I can claim that I knew Britton long before he won the Pulitzer! (Doesn't Columbia University present those awards?!) When he and my son played on the same select team and his Mom and I started our crazy baseball lives.

We wish Britton much success!

CatchallMom Family
I am certainly pleased and excited for Britton. I offer my congratulations and know that you must be extremely proud of him. He is a fine young man and I wish him the best in the future.

Who says he can't walk on next year or he is through playing baseball. He's got talent. My son has not had the oppurtunity to face FMM in high school but will never forget playing the Marauders and the great times we all had. Most of all the pleasure of meeting both of you. I will be watching for his name in the future. Give Britton my best regards from the whole LIONS family.
Last edited by LIONS
OBN - this is awesome news!!! I know you are extremely proud of Britton. As others on this board have posted many times, the baseball experience ends for everyone at some point and it's very important to keep a long term perspective on this whole deal, which I KNOW you have. We went through the same thing with my oldest son and he couldn't be happier with his college experience even though it didn't include baseball.

Continue to enjoy the rest of this HS year and then let the excitement and anxiety (it's a mom thing) build over the summer as you get ready to send Britton off to KSU for his next great adventure that will no doubt be filled with challenge and success.

Again, tell Britton well done. The Medlin family celebrates with you.
Congratulations!, OBN.

It's a nice feeling to get all of the things into place for your son's transition to college.

Journalism is a huge part of baseball!

I have been fascinated by the number of people involved in the "media" process at the Big 12 schools.

I see the students running the cameras honing their future career skills just like the ball players on the field.

There are sports articles in the school paper written by student journalists.

It must take several to compile those huge media guides and keep the massive web sites current.

I would expect that participating in the college baseball coverage as a student sports journalist
would be a nice boost for a sports related journalism career.
Last edited by FormerObserver
How right you are. One of the things that helped make B's decision was all the hands on opportunities he will have from Freshman year on at KSU to get involved in sports writing from being a beat writer for one of their teams to getting involved in broadcast. There are numerous opportunities that in the end will be resume builders and great personal experiences.

Heck he might even have an opportunity to interview some of the boys he has played along/against all these years and that would be cool. And most of you know how much I enjoy sitting in the Press Box avoiding the elements , now maybe I will be able to gain more access with a son w/a press pass Big Grin

catchallmom: It was a great adventure wasn't it and I hope we have something to announce for you next week!

Frogdawg: you are so right on your post. Now the nerves are for other reasons, like can he keep up the grades so he retains the scholarships, different form of pressure than the game day pressures but still pressure. Drop me a note on how your sons is doing.

Lions: always a great supporter, a friend and I wish you the best and I am sure I will be seeing you this summer when I come watch my friend's son play summer ball w/you guys. Good things are happening for PS I will keep you posted.
Last edited by oldbat-never
I'd like to also offer my congrats to Britton for his acceptance at KSU, and for being mature enough to know what he wants. Having spent the better part of my professional career in the journalism field, I'm thrilled when quality young men and women appreciate the job and want to do their part. Again, congratulations.
I attended K-State & my wife is a graduate. Congrats to your son.

You'll eventually learn that the shortest & fastest route to Manhattan is to take 177 north off the KS Turnpike at Cassoday. (watch for the troopers while driving through the Flint Hills). Make certain to stop in Council Grove sometime and dine at the Hays House. My grandparents took me there several times.
I have had the privilege of reading some of Britton's writings. He certainly has a rare gift for writing. I am not surprised that such a talented and mature young man is already receiving national recognition.

The day will come when we will be able to say, "Why I knew Britton when..."

Many congrats to Britton. And to his parents, for Britton is a reflection of his upbringing.
No, actually he would probably shoot me for talking about him on this site and you also know that since I never played baseball I didn't do him any great service there Big Grin

To all: It truly is comforting when you realize that your son has the maturity to not only know his dreams but to be able to follow them at this stage/age of his life. Wish I had that when I was his age....

We are all truly blessed to have this community w/out it I know I personally would not have had the information/guidance/support/laughs/crys/directions that I have had and in the end my son is a better person for it.

I look forward to watching and hearing about all your son's in the years to come......You can take the kid out of baseball but you can't take the Mom out of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At least not this Mom...
Last edited by oldbat-never
momandcpa..........shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh if his girlfriend reads your post she might not be so supportive of the KS selection.......Keep me posted on any new developments up your way.. and remember PICK ME.....PICK ME.....PICK ME........( a little inside joke)

Redhead: The Pressbox view will be so foreign to him since he has been playing ball since he was 5, but after the first cold snap in KS he will come to LOVE IT. Big Grin

TXMOM: Thanks, are you coming to the game tonight???? LHS vs Marcus???? If so, would love to talk to you.

KD: Sending you a PM

Meatsdad: Heard they are great up there, I have got to get used to the color Purple. Maybe Collikar can help me on that one!
Last edited by oldbat-never

Congrats to you and Britton, what great news! Here's a story that I hope will be encouraging to your son, about my son's HS teammate...

Drew was a good HS baseball player, graduated a year ahead of my son, and continued his baseball career at the same D3 college as my son. Drew didn't get much playing time, but enjoyed being part of the team. What he really exceled at though, was sports journalism.

During college he obtained a part-time job writing for the sports department of the local newspaper. He also worked the video cameras for hockey games at a nearby D2 college, eventually becoming the lead video production person for games. This spring he planned to play his senior year of college baseball, or at least be a part of the team if he didn't get much playing time. His baseball season was interrupted before it started though ... when he accepted a broadcast production job with the Minnesota Twins!!! His teammates are so proud of Drew, and the college agreed to let him finish his last two required courses long distance so he could accept this exciting job and still earn his degree on time.

There's more than one way to continue a "baseball career", right? Big Grin

Very best wishes to Britton!

Last edited by MN-Mom

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