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I actually know people that I would call racist. Actually not all these people are white. I think there is an explanation... Please don't take this personally, but I'm convinced that the majority of all human beings (of any race) are stupid!

How un pc of you...and you can't fix what they got.
Just a little jaded are we. ;]
Originally posted by Vector:
Originally posted by RJM:
Isn't just a shame there aren't more whites in college and pro basketball?

Personally I don't care what the racial makeup of teams are, as it is almost always based on ability/performance.
However if some of the so called open-minded people want to lament about a lack of minorities in certain sports, then they either need to be consistent or keep their views to themselves.

This one way street on the PC highway needs to come to an end. One of the ways of accomplishing it is to call people out on it.

I was making a point based on some of the posts in the thread. All I want to see when I watch a game is the top talent regardless of any aspect of their background.

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