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I have no reason for this post other than to share a story with you from earlier this evening that was somewhat astonishing to me.

We had our 13U team out practicing at the local park. Pitchers/cathchers in the bullpen, hitters in the cage. Youth s****r teams practicing harmlessly in the outfield. Been doing it for a while. No big deal.

About halfway through practice, a ball escaped from a small hole in the netting (we were unaware of) and landed near a couple of s*o*c*c*e*r moms. Our coach throwing in the cage immdediately yelled "heads up!" before the ball landed. I was standing near the hitters giving instruction.

Before I get to the other end of the cage, the two moms are going absolutely ballistic at the other coach...I mean I've never seen anything like it. Part of me was worried that something terribly wrong had happened, but I couldn't figure out what yet...everyone seemed one down on the ground or anything like that.

I say something like, "hey, lets calm down and figure out what happened." One mom is screaming at me that someone could have been killed. Again I'm concerned..."ok, did the ball hit someone?" "YES, ME IN THE LEG," she screams. "Are you alright?" I asked. "YES, BUT I COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED!"

By now, I'm pretty sure everthing is ok, so I ask if I may have the baseball back and "lets go look at the cage for why this happened." "NO!, I'M CALLING 911!," she's screaming. "OK, go ahead and do that, but can I have the ball back?" "NO! WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS?" "I'm sorry ma'am, but what do you mean who's responsible?" Now I'm getting a little nervous...what is this all about?

"Who owns this cage?" she asks. "Well, the city I suppose (true answer as far as I know)," I responded. "NO! I want to know who's responsible?" Getting very nervous now. "I just don't know how to answer that question," I say, "but lets try to figure out how to fix it." "NO! I'M CALLING 911!" "OK," I say, now somewhat looking forward to this visit from the police.

I return to the hitting end of the cage and am coaching my hitters again when she walks by on the way to the restroom..."May I please have our baseball back?," I again ask. "NO! YOU CAN GET IT BACK FROM THE REC. DEPT. TOMORROW!" "Ma'am, come on, would you like me to keep the s****r ball everytime it bounces onto the baseball field?" "NO!," she says, "but you probably would (or something like that)." Roll Eyes

Finally, a policeman arrives. By the time he gets to me, he's practically laughing. Our other coach and I tell them everything we know...he says, "ok, I don't see any laws broken here?" greenjump I ask him, "could YOU please get my baseball back?" "OK, I'll try," he says.

Five minutes pass, he comes back to me, "Sir, would you like me to place her under arrest for petty theft?" WHOA! Roll Eyes I sense an opportunity... Big really seems like justice at this point to me. But I say, "as tempting as it is, no, just ask her again for the baseball please." Another five minutes pass before he returns with the baseball..."how did you get it I asked?" By now another policeman has arrived. He's giggling as he tells me, "well, the other officer told her she had committed a crime and asked for the ball back...when she refused to give it back unless you (me) apologized, he told her he was going to have to take her to jail, finally she relented."

As that person left the park, she was still as hot as I've seen anyone in a very long time. I still am not too sure why. noidea

Anyone else got a neighbor/parent gone mad story? laugh
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Originally posted by lafmom:
just think what the s****r coach has to deal with!

No kidding!

There just HAD to be something else bad that happened to her today. Thats all I can figure. noidea I really cannot think of anything constructive she would have even been thinking in calling the police. The police, by the way, told me it was a fun call to respond too. Wink
Last edited by justbaseball
Next time this happens remember this story.

Husband took Dk at 10 to watch a Braves/Expos spring training game and husband got hit smack in the eye with a ball hit by Henry Rodriguez. Cracked the orbital bones around teh eye and facial fracture and husband has to wear special prism eyeglasses for reading forever. He was lucky his retina didn't detach.
Botton line, whenever you come to a ballfield you are there at your own risk!

I expect an apology from linear, or us moms can go ahead and start a thread entitled "just another dad".
TPM - We had a kid in our league suffer the same injury a few years back. Horrible! Hopefully I didn't give the impression that I didn't take that possibility seriously. Its just that as the whole thing unfolded, it kind of got funny to be honest.

"Just another dad" thread? That could be a doozie! Red Face Hopefully you won't contact Mrs. JBB for a few stories to contribute. I could be in big trouble on that one. YIKES! pull_hair
Last edited by justbaseball
I was on a 14u team, and we were up at the cages last winter practicing for the spring '05 season.

Myself, and a few others were doing soft toss in a cage, and I'll admit we were goofing off a bit. I toss a ball that went past the guy hitting, into the net of the cage right as a 10-11 y/o softball player ran by. She stopped, with a look like, how dare anyone ever do this to me! and then continued on.

Later that night, our coach gets pulled aside and is told that a bunch of us from the team were taunting some of the members of that team.
Their story was, that a one of them was going to the bathroom, and a few of us from the team yelled, "run little girl run" and stuck our tongues out at her. (completely untrue of course)

One of the stupidist things I'd ever heard.
I've been around, passing time until January -- listening to funny stories about football moms and digging for scoop on next summer's DBAT teams. Smile

Yes, cameras at red lights -- wonder how long before I get that strange letter in the mail, with news that I've been electronically busted -- complete with $125 fine. All in the name of progress.
Originally posted by arizonared:
According to Linear's bio....he listed himself as a TPM...we need to start the thread..."Just another Grandpa...."

It's okay Linear...I'm hoping you didn't mean it the way you wrote it....

But he still is a dad. Big Grin Beenthere is off the hook because he mentioned S****R before mom and so is Panther Dad for mentioning FOOTBALL before MOM.

I know you are just lovin' this!
Last edited by TPM
I know TPM.....a Dad before a Grandpa....I'm married to a Dad who is also a Grandpa....and he wouldn't dare post what Linear did.....he may think it, but would never say or post it....he likes life as he knows it too much....

I don't know why you are cutting Beenthere and Panther some slack.....

A mother by any other name is still a mother....

FO...hope you are enjoying this too....
Last edited by LadyNmom
OK all you wonderful moms out there...we all know that baseball moms are the BEST! They are the rock behind their sons and husbands...sure is true in our house! And we all know that dads far more often make a$$es of themselves on the baseball field.

The story is still funny. You gotta admit! And part of me does wish I had her arrested as Beenthere suggests. I tried to figure a way to tell the story gender-neutral...but it was just too much work that way.

This person (lady) was a nut! kidding

Actually, I'm a bit surprised that a s****r parent actually realized that a baseball could cause an injury. Last week, I had two parallel batting cages with 16U players hitting in each. The nets between the two cages are about 4 feet apart...not a safe place to walk when players are hitting.

S****r practice on a nearby field ended, and at least 25% of the s****r people (moms, dads, and little kids kicking s****r balls) walked between the cages (brushing against ther nets) to get to the parking lot. An additionl 50% walked within a few feet of the outsides of the cages. In this case, someone truly could have been killed, but they paraded through as though we weren't there.

Some times, they will walk through the outfield during games and practices without considering the danger they are in. I used to feel sorry for them, but over the years I have lost my empathy.
Some times, they will walk through the outfield during games and practices without considering the danger they are in. I used to feel sorry for them, but over the years I have lost my empathy.

If you are taking infield next time this happens... a nicely placed fly ball should get their attention. If it's close enough maybe they'll learn their lesson. noidea
JBB, how do in the world you get yourself in these fixes??
California, so**er, moms, dads or grandpas don’t have a monopoly on idiots. They come in all shapes, colors, genders, and ages. I think they’re sprinkled throughout the world to keep the rest of us sane or to make life interesting. Couple of ways to handle this. This is behavioral science 101. I suggest you go on the offensive and out crazy her and she won’t know how to handle the situation and will immediately vacate the baseball area. Be sure to keep a smile on your face when you do this for maximum effect. Explain that you’re trained in first aid and know the Heimlich maneuver and mouth to mouth resuscitation and can probably have good as new in no time. Or simply agree with her that she’s hurt because her legs are swollen and are a funny color. Be sure ask in a loud voice (where everyone can hear) if the ball caused them funny looking dimples in her legs or is that the way her legs normally look. Be sure to apologize for the first errant ball that no one saw that struck her in the head that’s causing her erratic behavior. Be sure to ask the crowd for a flashlight so you can check her pupils.
Speaking of great comebacks, best one I ever heard:

Attractive but snotty "lady", at a social function barks in a loud voice "Why are you staring at my legs?" to a guy deep in conversation otherwise, with his head and eyes looking in her direction, but not really looking at her. He replied without missing a beat, "I can't believe someone with legs that nice doesn't shave them".

Badda Bing! Big Grin
Here's one. A couple of years ago we were in the middle of our annual tourney. The plate ump has his parent's in the stands and, to be honest, he's making some bad calls. And the ump's dad just happens to be a constable that is out of his district and in complete uniform. Anyway, one guy near the ump's dad is giving him a hard time. You know the usual, "Oh come on ump! That was outside." or "Need some glasses". Well, the dad gets up and yells at the guy and tells him that if he doesn't shut up he's going to throw him out and take him to jail. They go back and forth until we had to call the real cops. The officer seperated the two and that was that. It was funny afterwards.

One more, this season during warm-ups, my son and a pitcher are next to the fence. My son throws the ball and it goes through the gate and right through a back windsheild of a parked van. I happened to be behind the fence behind homeplate putting in the line-ups. One of the players comes over and tells me what has happened. My first thought is "Oh no. I better get out there before someone rakes my son over the coals." Then the player tells me the van belongs to one of our parents. Again, I thought... anyway, the parent was understanding and told me that he shouldn't have parked the van there because of the risk. I did offer to pay for the windshield. But he declined reiterating that it was his fault. After the game he did ask if my son could operate a lawn mower, jokingly. I told him he could have him after games on Saturday. Big Grin
That reminds me of a funny/sad story. A few years ago my son was goofing around with some neighbor kids hitting a whiffle ball with a plastic bat. Well, wouldn't you know he hit a line drive right at the edge of a neighbor's house's window, and managed to crack it, even with a plactic ball. The neighbors weren't home, so later that afternoon when they got back, he trudged over to apologize and offer to pay for the broken window. The neighbor was real nice about it - said he'd rather take it out in car washes. My son glumly agreed and they settled on a week from Saturday for the first installment.

The following week the neighbor had a heart attack while jogging, and passed away before my son ever got to wash his car. Darndest thing...

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