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I have two sons. The Sophomore is 6'5" and pitches between 92-98mph and the Freshman is his catcher who hit .456 with 12hrs as an 8th grader. I've heard the baseball down south is very competitive and my sons are average for the likes of TX and FL. My question is do I need an advisor or an agent to help get my sons exposure? Thanks, northernbaseballdad
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first of all, welcome to the HSBBW. It is filled with great advice offered by some darn good people. Smile
If your son is a sophomore in high school, is 6'5" and has those velocities, he isn't average anywhere, at any level of baseball.
Secondly, your sons cannot have an agent and maintain their eligibility.
One thing you will find on this site is people can pick out information that seems pretty extraordinary and the stats about your sons is just that. If they are that good, then feel comfortable you don't need to send them to TX/FLA or CA. Check Nolan Gallagher at Stanford. He is a Montana guy who throws 90-91 and his American Legion team got him quite a bit of exposure...enough to get him to Stanford.
Last edited by infielddad
PG,...all it takes is one good suprise find,..and lives can be altered!! There are kids out there who's lives will change forever because of guys like you who are willing to follow a lead, matter how sketchy.

IMO,...that's not only commendable,.. its just stinkin' cool!!!

Keep up the good work,..and never give up! There are treasures out there,..just waiting to be discovered!

P.S. Northern Baseball Dad,..WELCOME to the HSBBW!!!! Come sit and stay a while! Lots going on. We're glad to have ya!
Last edited by shortstopmom
Players from Montana are incorporated within BaseballNorthwest's scouting as they promote players from Montana, Idaho, WA, OR and Utah.

It's well know that Montana is lacking in avenues for exposure and competition.

And if this kid is in high school he would have been identified, unless he is home schooled and doesnt play organized baseball.

In any event that this is a real post, the OP should go to and look into the opportunities available for PNW players.
Last edited by baseballtoday
You'll have to forgive me, I'm not as "old" as some of you, hee, hee!

I will admit, I'm not that impressed by the 8th grader who his .456. You'd better hit that good at that age. My 13 year old has averaged .516 for the past five years. I'm hoping you'll see him on TV someday but I'm not ready to "ship him to the DR!"

But I'm not so quick to dispel the sophomore. You've never seen a 6'5" 15-year old before? My son's team also has a 13 who's about 6'3" and throws low 80s.

I'm definitely skeptical about the posts I read that say "I threw 1000 pitches yesterday and my arm doesn't hurt. Is that good?" But I'd love to hear about this kid after PGStaff has seen him.

He'll surely be the MLB pride of Montana someday!
Tip on Fried Baloney...

If you make three cuts, about one inch inward from the edge, at equidistant points along the circumference line of the bologna, BEFORE turning up the heat, you will finish with a nice-looking and FLAT piece of fried baloney suitable for Wonderbread.

If you ignore this advice, your baloney, while frying, will take on the appearance of a German helmet.

A word to the wise should be sufficient.

BTW, can someone PLEASE answer my questions on showcase evaluation terminology on the Showcase thread?? Thanks!!

Last edited by Krakatoa
If you can find a 15 year old kid in Montana that throws 98 mph I will donate a sack full of mountain oysters to the cause and throw in a few rooster fries as a side dish. In doing some research I find the US census Bureau reports there are only seven 15 year old kids residing in the state of Montana. Montana is a beautiful state has a lot to offer the sports enthusiast but I don’t think an undiscovered 15 year old, 98 mph pitching phenom is one of them.
Don't everyone go and make plans for visiting that Shell Station. I haven't heard anything YET! Maybe it was just someone having some fun. But you never know, anythings possible I guess.

The neighboring state of Idaho had a young sophomore a few years back that threw mid 90s. He's the White Sox closer now! Seems like everything "northern" wrote was realistic except for that one number. If he'd a said 92 mph we might have all believed. But he said 92-98 He did admit his sons were just average for the likes of TX and FL!

Guess you gotta throw a 100 to be a better than average pitcher in TX or FL!

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