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Here is the write up I did over 2 years ago when son committed to a D2 juco.


Well fast forward and he is a soph at the juco level.  He went to school as a pitcher that can play defense and now he is signing as a utility player. He had been proactive emailing schools, sending Field level links, YouTube video, etc.  He had talked to several schools that were several states and several hours away.

Then last week; a school that never responded to his emails; called his coach asking for an updated video as most recent was done in Nov.  Coach films right there with cell phone and sends back to the RC.  Calls my son that night and wants him to visit.  Son takes the 8 hour (1way) drive and visits the school. Calls me and says he loves the school and the program. I tell him DO NOT SIGN anything. Just in case and let's discuss more.

He goes back to school and we talk over the weekend and he talks with his head coach yesterday and then calls the RC and commits! 

He will still be out of state but will be 30 minutes closer and living the dream of playing D1.

Can I say I am happy, happy, happy!!


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So happy for you.  I know that when things don't go as we think they should, we start to doubt and worry and its nice to get relief from that.  My son, a 2016, is going through something similar now.  The recruiting process isn't going exactly as planned but he is persevering and continues to be pro-active and whatever the path, it'll be the right one.  It's nice to see this happy ending. Best of luck!

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