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We are excited to let everyone know that after careful consideration and several conversations with the Head Coach, he has decided to play for the Bulldogs in the fall of 2009. Coach was looking for a firstbaseman and DH. Thanks to all on the board for the advice given. We will keep you updated.
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In the past 10 years between hockey, baseball and football I may have missed a half dozen games. Oh I almost forgot 7th grade wrestling and 8th grade basketball. I even made an effort to attend most of the practices. I have always had an extremely flexible job schedule being as I am a road salesman. My wife and I are already planning to go with the team to Georgia in the spring of 2010 for their first road trip. Her parents live down there. And I have a great video camera that I have used along with my other son to tape hockey tournaments, football and make DVD's to sell the parents. It's our part time income. But I do appreciate all of the great advise.
Equipman, As you know, I've already shared my fondness of Adrian and staff with you. So, I'll add a huge congratulations to your son and family! I catch them play every year. This year will be a bit more difficult because their spring trip is to Texas! That's what happens when you come in third in the nation - get some perks and increased travel! Big Grin Congrats and best wishes to the new Bulldog!
Switchhitter, The tuition with room/board is about $31k. I am not sure on the books yet. He will get about 15k for academics and grants, plus he will qualify for about $7500 in student loans. No money for baseball. But they also get him a part time job on campus that gets him about $1800 per year which should take care of pocket money.
Sounds good, equipman! Trinity (TX) is in the West Region, though, so they'd be 'out west' somewhere for regional action (this year at Linfield, near Portland, OR).

I did, however, grow up in Michigan (Northville if you might know that area northwest of Detroit).

Best of luck to Adrian - I think they're expected to have another very solid team this season, and hope your son is super excited about 2010!

thanks for the info equipman. 31k per year is very expensive. that's about like BUTLER university in Indianapolis. The aid you are getting is very good which will help you off-set the extreme costs for his education. Adrian is a VERY well-known college all around as far as baseball and they have a great coach who is just excellent from what i hear. (this is just grapevine so take it with a grain of salt).
Good luck this year and i hope he has a great year.

Congrats to you and your son on choosing a great school for academics and for their up and coming baseball program. I anticipate Coach Rainey will build on last year and continue to be successful. Great facility too.

Enjoy your last year in does their team look by the way...? What about summer Tourneys?

What showcases did you participate in? GPN/Redbird? Others?

I hope you come back in here next fall and report on fall ball / their tryout process. I do not think a lot of people, who have never gone through the process before, understand the unique process that a DIII athlete goes through to make the team (Varsity or JV). Share your experience please and continue to educate people.

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