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My son is a sophmore 6'2 205lbs we have been to several camps/showcases and he has always revieved good feedback he also played with a 17u team this fall and recieved questioneres and camp invites from a few schools. We just returned from one of those where he threw 84 and hit very well. Comments like "excellent bat speed and good approach at the plate" can coaches say very much or is feedback minimal? I guess I thought since he has had good showings more interest would be there.
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Quite right, WAAAAAYYY too early to be getting anxious.

Increasingly we are seeing reports of sophomores being recruited or even reaching handshake commitments. However, those players are few and far between, usually considered among the top handful nationwide. That's a very small percentage of the number of deals that will ultimately be struck in your son's graduating class before June 2011. Probably less than 1%.

Sounds like your son is getting noticed. Some programs probably have set up files on him to follow him the next 20+ months. Stick with the process and it'll work out in due time.

In the meantime, you just BREATHE.

Your son should focus on playing the game and doing what he can to get better and better all the time. Because no matter how good he is now, relative to his age, he has to continue to grow as a player if he wants this dream to come true.

And make sure he hits the books, or he will be eliminating himself from consideration at many colleges irrespective of how much talent he may have.
Last edited by Midlo Dad
Why does he want to commit early? He might miss a lot - 2B has been advised not to commit early (if the opportunity ever came up) because he would miss chances to visit different campuses and programs, meet different coaches, and find the best fit. Plus, I know of one example where an early commit got *nothing* to hit his junior year, so the HS season was frustrating - a zillion walks. I'm guessing the same thing will happen this year. It hasn't affected the commitment, just takes a lot of fun out of the HS season.
Last edited by 2Bmom
Why does he want to commit early? He might miss a lot - 2B has been advised not to commit early (if the opportunity ever came up) because he would miss chances to visit different campuses and programs, meet different coaches, and find the best fit.

IMHO, the goal should not be to commit early -- or to not commit early. Rather, it should be to do what feels right when the time comes. Lots of research can and should be done before senior year through unofficial visits to campuses, at which visits with coaches can occur, and through asking questions about various programs on the HSBBW message board, etc. That way, if an early offer is made, the player has an idea of what his alternatives look like by then.

Last year, my son's college sewed up pretty much all of its position player recruits by early signing and added only pitchers in the spring. So, there can be advantages to signing early -- not to mention relief that the uncertainty of the recruiting process is over. For my son, knowing where he was going the following year added to the fun of his senior HS season.

That said, if no good fit exists by early signing, it is certainly a good idea to wait until something better comes along.
Last edited by Infield08
Originally posted by mustang1:
he's not looking for academics really he just has his mind set to committ early as a step in is goalsthat he has set for himself.

I am assuming he means the early signing period in D1 baseball.
Earlier than that, I suggest that one doesn't commit just to commit, but to commit if it is the right fit for the player, and that would include academics as well as baseball.

20ACT and 3.8 (honors) will get you a scholarship but depending on what level, his baseball ability will help dictate where he will go.

Welcome to the HSBBW, good luck and enjoy.
I have a young 2011 grad who plays for a top-level summer 17U program in NE Texas. He's been very fortunate to be seen (early) by a number of D1 - JUCO coaches and some MLB area scouts in Texas and Oklahoma, Arizona and Arkansas.

But, the reality is he's still growing, maturing, and even with crazy projection numbers, you never know what a player will develop into with three more years of growth, age and maturity.

Our approach with GED10 is to encourage him to get better, play everyday. I think the rest tends to work itself out. Exposure is key. The rest will come when it comes..... We are going to ENJOY it every step of the way, even the gray hair!!


GOD loves catchers!
Last edited by GunEmDown10
I'm a LHP throwin about 83-85 MPH I'm 5'10 and 165 pounds and I have been to so many showcases for my AAU team last year I was in Florida, and this year I'm going to ATL GA. But my question is why have I not been getting letters or even coaches talking to me. I have been invited to play in Austria but I dont know if that requires money. If you can answer my questions please do. Thank You.
Originally posted by Jsaia24:
I'm a LHP throwin about 83-85 MPH I'm 5'10 and 165 pounds and I have been to so many showcases for my AAU team last year I was in Florida, and this year I'm going to ATL GA. But my question is why have I not been getting letters or even coaches talking to me. I have been invited to play in Austria but I dont know if that requires money. If you can answer my questions please do. Thank You.

Jsaia24 - If you are talking about the People to People Sports Ambassador program and their trip to Vienna Austria, then yes there are fees and travel expenses, etc. It is a great opportunity, one that will focus alot on life lessons, learning other cultures and personal growth thru a baseball venue.

As far as letters, how old are you? What is your grade classification. If your are a 2010 or 2011, you have alot of time for letters and exposure. If you are a SR, you need to be marketing yourself to coaches at the schools you are interested in and schools where you are a good fit, in both academics and playing level.

Feel free to PM me if you have any specific questions.

angelloves catchers!
Last edited by GunEmDown10

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