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Originally posted by dublin168:
Indian River 10 to 0 over Western Branch in 6 innings. Very Dominant!

Indian River handed WB their first district loss. IR controlled the game from start to finish. In every inning except the 5th, IR’s lead-off batter reached first base. IR had ten hits including 3 home runs, one off of each of WB’s pitchers. IR’s Nick Michaud hit two of the home runs, going three for three with 6 rbis for the night. Leland Clemmons hit a solo walk-off in the bottom of the 6th. WB never mustered an offensive threat except in the 6th inning when WB had two runners on and no outs. The third batter of the inning hit a flare at the feet of the second baseman which the umpire ruled a catch and IR then doubled the runners off at second and first to turn a rare triple play. Ali went the distance to pick up the win, and Thompson picked up his first loss. Shane Johnsonbaugh had two of WB’s four hits.
Last edited by WB Reporter
Very surprising result was expecting a much tighter game. IR making it's move and seems past its early season scoring problems. Hickory and NR will have to be on the top of their games to stay in it.

Next week the shakeout begins. WB will be pushed again with GB on Tue. and Hickory Fri. If Coach Todd goes skips Cox v DC the IR v GF next Friday shapes up as a Ali/Cox rematch.
doesnt IR have GF and GB in the same week? which one would be a more important game to win? Also congrats to Cody Cox 2 HR against OS and Jason Ingrams 1 hitter.

Jason Inghram fired a five-inning one-hitter and Cody Cox blasted two home runs for the Grizzlies.

Oscar Smith 000 00 — 0 1 3

Grassfield 222 22 — 10 10 0

W—Inghram (3-1). HR—Cox 2 (5).
Last edited by GF
Originally posted by WB Reporter:
Originally posted by dublin168:
Indian River 10 to 0 over Western Branch in 6 innings. Very Dominant!

WB never mustered an offensive threat except in the 6th inning when WB had two runners on and no outs. The third batter of the inning hit a flare at the feet of the second baseman which the umpire ruled a catch and IR then doubled the runners off at second and first to turn a rare triple play.

Curious in the pilot it said "Cody Caduran grabbed a line drive" either way grats to IR on beating #1 WB - should be an interesting 2nd half of the season. You never know how the ball will bounce.
GF, Line drive or flare, matter of the degree of the arc. Know it was not a pop up or the umpire would have had to call infield fly. The confusion was not over the arc but over whether it hit dirt or all glove as it was caught at the feet of the second baseman at the ground. First base runner thought he saw it touch dirt and by the time the umpire called a catch, it was too late for the runners to return to their bases. Scoring in that inning might have helped WB avoid the 10-run rule, highly unlikely it would have resulted in WB avoiding the loss.

Matthews41, Just was not WB's day. Thompson could not get the ball down, from warmups on, so fastballs were at a nice level for the hitters. Thompson pitched 3 innings, Ali 6. Both teams put the ball in play. Not a strike out game. Three WB batters struck out once; 3 IR batters struck out once.

If memory serves me correctly, this is at least the third year in a row that WB has lost at IR. Maybe they can return the favor when IR comes to WB. Wink
Originally posted by GF:
doesnt IR have GF and GB in the same week? which one would be a more important game to win?

If I am reading the schedules correctly, the games are within a 7-day period but not the same week. IR plays GF on Thursday, April 22 at Harbor Park. IR plays GB the following Tuesday, April 27 at GB. I would think that the same pitcher could pitch both of those games. All the games are important to win. Smile
Last edited by WB Reporter
Originally posted by WB Reporter:
GF, Line drive or flare, matter of the degree of the arc. Know it was not a pop up or the umpire would have had to call infield fly. The confusion was not over the arc but over whether it hit dirt or all glove as it was caught at the feet of the second baseman at the ground. First base runner thought he saw it touch dirt and by the time the umpire called a catch, it was too late for the runners to return to their bases. Scoring in that inning might have helped WB avoid the 10-run rule, highly unlikely it would have resulted in WB avoiding the loss.

Matthews41, Just was not WB's day. Thompson could not get the ball down, from warmups on, so fastballs were at a nice level for the hitters. Thompson pitched 3 innings, Ali 6. Both teams put the ball in play. Not a strike out game. Three WB batters struck out once; 3 IR batters struck out once.

If memory serves me correctly, this is at least the third year in a row that WB has lost at IR. Maybe they can return the favor when IR comes to WB. Wink

WB thanks for the explaination. Reason why i asked is that the defination of flare as i knew is was: "b. Baseball A fly ball hit a short distance into the outfield."
WB good point on the schedule. If IR v GF was on the typical Friday assuming D. Ali goes he would have 4 days rest instead of 3. That is a big difference were he to go 6 or 7 innings and throw 90-100+ pitches. If N. Thompson went 3 last night presumably he threw 50-60 pitches so it's possible he could come back against GB on Tuesday.

Gotta Luv this stuff!

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