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Originally Posted by mathews41:


Originally Posted by LDRIVE:

Wow did not see that coming

Apparently, the prognosticators at the Pilot (you know the “top 10” bubbas) didn’t see it coming either.


The Pilot is as qualified to rank teams in the preseason as Mr. Magoo. This team had to replace 2 outstanding outfielders, their entire infield, catcher, and arguably the guttiest pitcher in the SED from last year's team with largely (not totally) unproven varsity players.  You don't do that without having big questions at key positions.  Those questions were not answered favorably yesterday ( 6 errors, 5 walks, 1 hit in a 5 inning game).  How all that equated to a ranking in the Pilot's top 10 is lost on me.  What will be more interesting is how they respond tonight on the heels of yesterday's performance.

I'm not taking up for Nanesmond River by no means, but for anyone in Hampton Roads or the state of Virginia, if that serious about high school baseball to think that the product put on the field yesterday could be compared the 2012's group has no common sense what so ever. Those 9 guys had played together since they were nine years old and were very good. This 2013 group has players that are capable of making plays, and being good. They just looked completely lost yesterday, I don't know just didn't look like they were ready to defend a crown.  Should be interesting for sure today, hopefully they rebound and can get a W today.

Having read the forum, I would like to suggest that one day does not a team nor season make.  I'm quite certain, that the NR team that showed up yesterday is not the NR team that I would expect to see throughout the season.  I also think it's worthwhile to give Grassfield a little bit of credit and respect.  Most of the focus has been on how bad NR is/was, while giving little credit to the fact that Grassfield played their butts off.  Good for them!


Finally, there have also been comments regarding the tremendous loss of talent and experience that NR lost from last year's team.  While true, it doesn't excuse the fact that they currently have 4 seniors currently committed to play in college (with 2 more potential commitments coming), and several underclass prospects that will certainly make college commitments in the future.  Some at the Division 1 level.  Bottom line, I don't think the preseason rankings mean much, and I also don't think that NR was/is "overrated".  I do think that game one was a wake up call...that games are won and lost on the field of play.  One should come prepared accordingly!

Originally Posted by redbird5:


Originally Posted by ofs10:

i was thinking with fitzwater they would look to have good pitching!

They do but it's hard to pitch through 6 errors. 

        To defend the pitcher a bit (I have that tendency). After the HR in the first the young man would have retired 12 in a row had routine plays been made. The really ugly stuff happened after he was lifted.

Last edited by Go Dawgs

I don't think NR is overrated at all...never once said that. I was responding to comments left about the Top 10. People are crazy to think that results were going to be the same.YES GRASSFIELD PLAYED GREAT and I'M GIVING THEM RESPECT!, but both got pinched a bit. Fitz was all over the place, and Grassfield arm had every NR outfront and they rolled over every ball they hit, but in my eyes GF pitching wasn't over powering, just a well called game by catcher and coaches. He just had NR all out of wack. Some take things to heart up here, when we all just post OUR thoughts about the game and how it ended. People have to understand that a lot of those guys didn't play together, but like GoHeels stated it's not an excuse. You could look at all the games played yesterday and say dang that was ugly. SED is very equal this year. Yesterday should have been a wake-up call for many.  ofs10....The SED is fairly equal in my eyes, a lot of teams across the board lack pitching. I think that Champion will be somewhere around 15-5,14-6.

Originally Posted by mathews41:
Originally Posted by nrbb07:

"I was responding to comments left about the Top 10..... Some take things to heart up here, when we all just post OUR thoughts about the game and how it ended."


I was just posting my thoughts on the Pilots lack of knowledge...

I think your post was overtaken by events, but I was trying to agree with you 100%













Indian River












Nansemond River












WP: Trevor Riggs, LP: Inskeep, SV: -


Typical battle between Indian River and Nansemond River.  IR took the lead in the top of the 7th inning scoring 2 on a walk, single, and double by Milvo.  NR answered with doubles by Riggs and O'Brien to tie the score.  Then 3 walks in 4 batters ended the game.


IR Milvo 2-4, Kisiski 2-4. NR Rivers 2-4, Rice and Riggs combine for 10 Ks

Last edited by Go Dawgs
Originally Posted by ofs10:

grssfield won 13-1 over nr right?

Yes.  Upon observation though, if NR played with the same intensity and focus the night before, the outcome most likely would have been different.


NR had a total of 2 baserunners vs. Grassfield.  I think they had around 18 or so against White/Inskeep of IR.  Slight turnaround against a couple of quality arms.  For whatever reason, they simply never made it out of the lockerroom on Wednesday.

Last edited by GoHeels

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