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Amarillo has a big right-handed pitcher named Clayton Cook. He is about 6'4, 190 and has already signed with Oklahoma. He is their main player to watch.

Their catcher is good one, Gunner Peek I believe is his name. The Sandies are a good TEAM. They do all the things well that most teams that are still playing do.

Having said that, I like Carroll in the series.
I'm not sure that the DMN says that it's a 1 game playoff. It's got TBD under this series, so it looks like everything is still being "negotiated" (i.e. coin toss).

I also disagree that SLC is "limited" on the mound. Although the top 2 starters (Stripling and Cunningham) have been the go-to guys in the playoffs...with Toal coming in to close games. Coach Hughes has a lot of guys on the roster that can get the job done. They're not 90 mph guys, but solid mid 80s Jrs and Srs. I think pitching depth may bode well for SLC in a longer 3 game series.
Originally posted by ACowboyFan:

Why yes, it was just enough and that is all that matters. SLC won 2 last weekend.

But at least the Cowboys made it to the third round of the playoffs which we are very proud of.

I stand-by what I think will happen in the SCL vs Amarillo game or series.


Do you have any numbers to back this up? Pull your slide rule out of you front pocket (be carefule, don't catch it on your bottle neck glasses) and calculate the numbers...can't wait to hear the answer.
The Cowboys indeed have a lot to be proud of as they had a great season. I just think you're downplaying the SLC pitching a bit, that's all. And in the interest of my new controversial persona, history indicates that the Cowboys will reach the state tournament -- or at least the regional finals -- in the year AFTER your coach leaves. Cool (just the facts ma'am)
No prediction (never got to see SLC this year) but...Amarillo knocked Weatherford out in round 2 in close games 7-5 8 innings, 7-6. Then Paschal in round 3. They are solid on defense and have several really good sticks. I agree with FD on the two he named and don't give the big kid named Morgan ANYTHING to hit. Having seen both teams twice I really thought if Paschal could take them to Game 3 they had it in the bag on pitching depth but...I was wrong again.
Originally posted by doubleday:
I haven't seen this posted yet...the series is in fact a 3 game series and will be played in Midland. What's the deal with Midland getting both regional semis?

No big deal excpet if you have to play a game in the middle of nowhere its as close as it gets! Wink

Plus it makes it easy to scout!
I agree with RMMTX101 - do not give Amarillo's #3 hitter, Morgan, anything to hit. In its win over Paschal in Game 1 last week, Amarillo scored its 4 runs on 2 hits - 2 doubles by Morgan, the second one on a 3-0 count. Amarillo's weakness is pitching depth. Their #1 starter, Cook, is very good. Their #2 starter is decent. The quality drops quite a bit after these two. Hix, however, will use his 2 starters as much as he needs to, regardless of how many pitches they have thrown. In Game 3 against Paschal, his #2 starter (who threw about 120 pitches in Game 2) pitched the 5th and 6th innings and Cook (who threw 110 pitches in Game 1) pitched the 7th. Granted Amarillo won that game and advanced, but I question Hix's risking injury to these 2 kids to get the win.
Question 1:
How many is about 120 pitches?
Question 2:
How many is too many curveballs?
Question 3:
In 20 years of coaching, how many of Coach Hix kids have had injuries because of his pitch calling?
Question 4:
Does he call pitches?

If any can answer all 4 absolutely, you have merit. Otherwise, you are taking shots at a good man and coach with nothing but speculation and feeling. (Not Facts)

By the way, if you have watched just 1 game in DFW this year you know they all throw "too many" curve balls. That's why its fun to watch Dtiger pitch and see a young man who has mastered the change up. The art of pitching has been lost. It's not cool to pitch anymore. It's only cool if you throw 90+.
Last edited by Vanlandingham

Fact 1: #2 starter (Houston) throws a complete game in Game 2 with a pitch count of "about" 120 pitches (i.e. 115 to 125 pitches)

Fact 2: 3 hours later, Houston pitches the 5th and 6th in Game 3

Fact 3: #1 starter (Cook) throws a complete game in Game 1 with a pitch count of 115 pitches.

Fact 4: Less than 24 hours later, Cook piches the 7th in Game 3.

Question: Is throwing 100+ pitches in a complete game then pitching in relief the following day or the same day good for a young pitcher? Ask Kerry Wood and the Cubs.
I'm glad to see someone keeping the clicker on the opposing pitcher.

Fact 1: Gary Hix is a good man and I know he would not sacrifice a kid to win.

Fact 2: You would need to list a significant number of coaches that face this situation every year in the playoffs. Many game 1 and 2 starters come back and close in game 3. I watched it the last 3 weeks.

Fact 3: It is real easy to rag on someone you don't know when you can hide behind an alias on a high school message board with no accountability.

Mistruth 1: Nothing has ever tied Wood's injuries to how much he threw in high school. He had 3 different injuries including a torn ligament and tricep. All occurred at different times and I am sure none were related to him throwing the 5th and 6th the day after throwing a complete game. That is a stretch once again to run down a good man.

Bottom line is you lost. It happens in this game. Don't throw darts at someone you don't know to make excuses for your loss.
Paschal Fan - This just struck a nerve with me because I have known Gary a long time and have watched him mentor kids since 1990 in Canyon, Texas.
Just my opinion

Is overuse defined by pitch count and pitch count only? Was he laboring? How hard does he throw? What pitches does he throw (slider)? Were you guys the home team in the 6 - 1 game? If so, then he only threw 6. I did not see your question as being posed to me. I can't answer the question because I was not in the dugout or with the kid all year. Would I like to see my son throw 115 pitches (if he actually did, I'm hearing less from other experts) and then throw again the same day or the next day on a consistent basis? The answer is no! However, if he was honest that he felt ok and could give me two, I might do it. I can't answer it with out all the facts nor can anyone else. Your opinion is your opinion and you have a right to it. These opinions flourish this time of year not only for Coach Hix, but also for English, Hughes, Stramp, Stinson etc.... the list goes on and on. The thing I struggle with is that it's easy to pass judgement with out all the facts. And the guys we pass judgement on will not come on here and defend themselves. I question many things done on the high school level, (4 curve balls per at bat, the lost art of bunting, not starting your #1 in Game 1, on and on and on) but that is a philosophy issue that will be different from coach to coach.

Gary Hix played for Larry Hays and he coaches and teaches the game with the same integrity as Coach Hays. Period, the end. It's funny to me how we come rushing to the aid of any young man on this board that gets the least bit criticized, but the men with high integrity and class that teach these same young men are fair game from those who never put on a jock.

PD - Sorry for the rant. I'm taking my 12's to Disney today and I will attempt to keep their pitch counts down while staying off your message board.
Last edited by Vanlandingham
Kerry Woods threw 150+ pitches in one game and came back to throw 150+ pitches in the next one. His arm problems he had later on had nothing to do with pitch count but his mechanics. I knew coming out of high school he would eventually have issues. Watch him throw. He does not use his lower body and falls off dramatically towards first base... ie his arm is doing all the work. A pitcher with good mechanics uses the lower body to do most of the work and the arm is just an extension.

I agree with Coach V... too many curve balls and not enough change ups. And my opinion not enough inside fast balls today.
Looking at the roster and pictures it just goes to show you that good people and good baseball people go hand in hand. Quality program with quality people.

L.V. will you and Posty have this team in 10 years? I've got a 2 year old that is already getting questionares from major D-1 programs and he won't wear anything with a swoosh or 3 stripes. He's UA all the way!

Good luck this weekend and tell A.P. I said hello.
Coach Hix did the same as last week...#1 starter 160+ pitches(game #1+game#2)...#2 starter 160+ pitches(game #2+game#3). Both pitchers were gassed (struggled) 2nd time around. All I heard about this coach is positive but seems like win @ any confidence in any other pitcher on that roster. SLC had no trouble hitting the ball all day Sat. just struggled a bit crossing the plate.
Van, we need both you & Nixy backing us in the stands next week vs. Flower Mound

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