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Right now are baseball workout is a 3 day rotation that involves cardio everyday. On day 2, the cardio comes 3 times during the workout where you have to run on the tredmille or eplipticle for a half mile. I want to know, will I get a better workout if I turn the speed up and work harder for a shorter amount of time or slow down and work for a longer amount of time.
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I've never fully understood long distance running. I mean, I guess I get it... it helps conditioning, but baseball is a sport of short compact explosions. Of course, pitchers run after/inbetween starts due to lactic acid and other reasons. My HS focuses more on long distance running than we do running bases. Kids that are fast long distance runners can't run the bases worth a lick. So I guess my question is, what is truly more benefitial to a baseball runner with decent conditioning and decent speed? I guess the technical question is, what's better to have, speed or condition?
For pure performance - speed.

Long distance running does not automatically mean someone is "conditioned". Sure they may be conditioned for long distance running, but if they never have to do it whats the point? It can actually have a negative effect on speed due to changes in muscle fiber make-up.

I am not saying to be a lazy athlete. There are just many better options than long-distance running or a baseball player to get into supreme condition.
Last edited by Jon Doyle
Sorry for taking so long to get back to you Jon but, the half mile runs on the tredmille or eliptical are only on one day of the work out, the leg day. After a five minute warm up we go into a variety of lunges, 90-180's,etc. A total a five exercises then a half mile run. Then we go into squats and 4 other exercises making a total of 5 exercises again, then back for another half mile run. Then after another 5 exercises the workout ends with another half mile run.

I want to know, how much amount of time should I take with these half miles runs. I want to gain speed but also want to be conditioned.
We have had alot of sucess improving speed with our off season workouts. Im sure there are other work outs that work well for other people as well. This is what we do and we do it Mon thru Fri.

Monday- Stretch. Thera-bands. half mile run (jog just to get warmed up good) usually around an 8min mile pace. Sprints. 4-20yd sprints. 4-40 yard sprints 4-60 yard sprints 4-80 yard sprints 4-100 yard sprints. We do under time. If the runner runs the 60 in 7.0 flat the times are as follows 20-under 3.2 40-under 5.2 60-under 7.5 80-under 10.0 100-under 12.5. The player knows he must beat the clock on each sprint or that set of sprints is started over. This ensures that the player will run as hard as he can on each sprint. They are given plenty of time between sprints to recover. And yes it is very tough. Then we rest for 10 minutes and finsih off with stretching.
Tuesday- We stretch. Thera-bands. We do ladder drills. We do med balls and core work. We run a series of hills and stadium bleachers. We stretch.
Weds- We stretch. Thera-bands. Distance day. We run 2 laps on the track which is a half mile at around an 8 min pace. We then run a lap for time 2 minutes carrying bricks in each hand. On the second lap we drop the bricks and must complete the lap in under 1:45. We rest for around 10 minutes. We then do a 12 minute run. We jog the curves and sprint the straights for 12 minutes. We then stretch.
Thursday- Stretch then thera-bands. Ladder drills. Wrist rollers. Jump ropes. Box jumps. Med balls. Finish off with a series of lead sprints. We run 4-20's for time. Run 4-40's for time. Run 2-60's for time. Run 2-80's for time.
Friday- Stretch then thera-bands. Repeat the work out from Monday.

All of our baseball players have the option to take weight lifting with our pitching coach during school. All choose to do so. So this handles the weightlifting side of things. Our guys have made tremendous improvement over the years from the Freshman year to graduation. All have made big improvements in agility , core strength , speed and edurance. This of course makes you a better player. To me you should have a program that focuses on flexibility , endurance , agility , core strength and mental toughness.

We have several other exercises that we incorporate at different times such as - running with med balls - flipping large tractor tires for distance and time - running hills with back packs filled with sand etc etc.

When I first started coaching I got real tired of shaking hands with the opposing teams after the games and their guys always seemed to be bigger and stronger than most of our guys. That doesnt happen anymore. At least not very often. And our guys will not fold on the basball field. Nothing on the baseball field is as tough as what they have to do to get on it. We offer our program five days a week for 2 hours from mid June to the start of the HS season in Feb. It is open to anyone at the school. And it of course is not mandantory. We have 25 guys this year that have been with us the entire summer fall and now winter. Thats about average since we started it. For the guys that play during the summer and fall we make sure they take off on Fridays. For the ones that want to hit and throw they do it on their own after or before work outs. During the school year they do it afterwards. Just thought I would give you an idea of what some people do.
Coach May- This system seems to be (as a player reading over it for the first time) a system that would work. I love how you have a schedule, the same stuff for each given day so there is a variety within the week but a routine at the same time. At my HS, it's very mediocre-the system. It seems like whatever they are feeling like is how much we do. It's mostly based on long distance running and not speed. I'm also curious, you did say they have plenty of time within sprints, I'm assuming this is to help fatigue. How do you handle asthmatics? I run a good half mile, but my mile shows my hindered lung capacity (when compared to my half mile). It always bugs me being timed when I run long distances, and it would bug me if I couldn't make a sprint in the time given because I know I try my hardest with what I've got. Having said that, I would love for my HS coach to use this sytem. My only question is, do you work on technique? Such as, arm motion, leg motion, firing up the hips, etc. I started training for speed about 4 months ago, doing technique exercises once a week and have reduced my 60 from a 7.4 to a 7.00. Obviously this is more important for scouts and being recruited, but could also be benefitial overall. Once again, thank you, I might do this myself on the side.
Thanks for the nice comments. We do work hard on form running. We incorporate alot of what the track coach teaches. We want to be faster , stronger and more athletic. We feel by working on endurance , speed , core strength and agility we can accomplish this. We have a couple of young guys that have asthma. We always make sure they have their puffer with them and they get plenty of time to recover as well as everyone gets plenty of fluids. As far as rest , we give them plenty of time between sets and sprints to recover so they can give maximum effort on each drill. Sometimes thats 2 minutes and sometimes its five or ten. It just depends on what we are doing that day. Good Luck to you.
This is the fourth year we have had it going at full speed so to speak. When we came into the program as a coaching staff the program was a traditional .500 program. They had some very good years and some very bad years. It all depended on the talent level at that particular time like in alot of programs. Our goal was to be consistent. To build a program and not a team from year to year. In our ten previous years we have been very sucessfull. Since we have been running the strength and conditioning program we are 33-3 in conference play. Our players are bigger faster and stronger. And they are much more dedicated. Individually we have developed some very good players and have some very nice underclassman in the works. Our power numbers and slugging percentage is way up. Our team speed is way up. Our arm strength as a team is way up. Our injuries ie sore arms pulled muscles etc are way down. (Knock on wood)! Last year we set a school record for team HR's with 33 in 29 games. There is no doubt it has made a huge impact on our programs success. And it has consequently made a huge impact on our players individual sucess. We feel it has made our very good players great players. Our average players good players. And our below average players good players.

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