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Other than MNMom and Itsrosy, we've kept it quite about what my family has gone through these past few weeks. The weekend before Father's Day, my daughter was bitten by a spider. It was just a "simple spider bite." Ok so, put some ointment on it and lets play some ball. Well, she started having headaches and that little bite, well it grew and grew. It grew to a 4 inch diameter in no time. We took her to the doctor (2nd time) and she was given antibiotics. Still she played and pitched. She did exceedingly well and at one point beat the #1 team in our area. That bite well it began to get smaller and smaller. Then, IT CAME BACK WITH A VENGEANCE. My girl started passing out etc. She was then "home bound" and we had to wait for stronger medicine to take effect as well as get her into Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital in St. Louis for tests. To make a long story shorter, last Thursday, they busted open that place on her leg and the worst mass of ooze I've seen was forced out of her leg. Then, today, she was put through a series of test. We received a call late today from the Doctor that she is fine. Everything is now normal. Wow, what a scare. I wanted to post this so other can learn from it. There isn't anything like a "simple spider bite."

"Failure depends upon people who say I can't."  - my dad's quote July 1st, 2021.  CoachB25 = Cannonball for other sites.

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Scary! The spider bite is nothing to pass off lightly. Can cause terrible problems and an ugly wound. We have a few black widows and LOTS of brown recluses (usual culprit)around our house I am always on the lookout for them when. Glad your daughter is doing better.
Last edited by Fungo
There isn't anything like a "simple spider bite."

Coach B, glad to hear your daughter is doing better.

We just recently had a similar, though not so severe, situation. Son had big plans about spending the summer working out, training, throwing, etc. That all had to put on hold though, because his second week of break he went to a church camp and on his last day there managed to get bit by a Brown Recluse while playing a game in the woods. He said he barely noticed the bite, and the first day it was like nothing more than a mosquito bite. Within a few days though his knee where he got bit was HUGE and he could barely walk. Doctor gave him the antibiotics, and it s-l-o-w-l-y improved, but he was out of commission for nearly a month.

I've also seen both Brown Recluse and Black Widows in our yard, and believe me both kids know what they look like and to leave them alone.
Yikes! All this talk about the Brown Recluse spider...I don't think I've ever heard of them before! But I did check out its territory, just to make sure....

Double yikes!! I had no idea it lives in such a large area...and so close to me, too! Eek I am DEFINITELY going to warn my children who will be going to school in the south...I am also going to notify my daughter's team which is going to play softball in Orlando next week.

StylesMisMatch: I hope your son is ok and not suffering any lasting effects...

I don't know that I want to leave the "safety" of my house (beware the bathtub!)-- between malaria, West Nile, poison ivy, and now this. Thank God the cicadas have all but disappeared!
Last edited by play baseball
I wanted to give you an update on my daughter. She went to the Doctor and he drained 2ccs of fluid or infection out of her leg and thought that we had finally turned the corner on this spider bite. She was to go through a series of tests at Cardinal Glennon Hospital in St. Louis after this doctor visit.

After she did so, we received the all clear and so, I posted that here. She was so excited and the first thing she wanted to do was practice softball. She even asked if she could run a few laps around the field. It was a lot of fun watching her really enjoy what she loves most - playing softball. Unfortunately, we received a call that all was NOT fine. They found "something else." This has devestated us. BB will undergo another series of tests this Thursday at Cardinal Glennon Hospital in St. Louis. I'd appreciate it if everyone would say a prayer or two. While not comfortable saying just exactly what the problem is, this spider bite may have drastically changed our lives.
Last edited by CoachB25
Originally posted by CoachB25:
Unfortunately, we received a call that all was NOT fine. They found "something else."

OH NO!!!!

This has devestated us. BB will undergo another series of tests this Thursday at Cardinal Glennon Hospital in St. Louis. I'd appreciate it if everyone would say a prayer or two. While not comfortable saying just exactly what the problem is, this spider bite may have drastically changed our lives.

We will tuck your family into our prayers, with special prayers for your daughter. Please let us know what is happening.
After a couple of hours over at Cardinal Glennon Hospital, my daughter (BB) passed all of the tests. She has been cleared to play sports again. It has been a very emotional time for us. She had the infection then it cleared up then came back stronger. She was ill from the medicine and had to take different medicine. She has been homebound for what seems like an eternity. We've lost a lot of sleep and have found ourselves constantly checking in on her and questioning why her. Things like this also make one question their faith. In the end, Prayer helps A LOT! It helps you see the bigger picture. In the end, all I wanted what a healthy child. Who cares what happens after that! Thanks you all for your thoughts and prayers.


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