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This past weekend my son was told by his coach that he needed to gather 50 addresses of family and friends. The coach's intent is to have a mass mailing to all the players' contacts and request a sponsorship for the team. Is this common in college? I am familiar with this type of fund raising for high school teams and summer travel teams, but this is a first for me.
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BGross - My son's JUCO did something similar. They have each player raise a certain amount of money as sponsors for a "100 inning" game. How this game is played, I have no idea. It's done after their fall season is over. Anyway, each player had to raise the money - could be met by one sponsor or take 30 - however many to get to the dollar figure. I think some smaller schools rely on fundraising as much as some HS do. Pays for some of the "extras" such as Florida trip perhaps or extra clothing, etc.

BTW, it was very easy for him to raise the money. People were more than happy to pledge and help out.
I may be way off base but knowing the teams in the Big East I too find it a little unusual that schools of that caliber would need to raise money in this manner. Could it be this money doesn't need to be accounted for and can be spent as the coach sees fit without creating a paper trail? noidea

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