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I don’t know when it happened but it did. I didn’t plan it, I didn’t seek it, it just kinda found me. I’m now a HSBW Old Timer. Wow, is that cool or what?

My son is only a soph in HS and knows 10 times more then I do about baseball.

I love the umpires forum and when a situation is described and the official call is made (thanks PIAA and others) I approach my son as the all knowing dad with the situation. 99% of the time he knows the right call – I hate smart kids!!!

The hitting and pitching forums are over my head……rotational versus vertical and horizontal versus molecular …..whatever. I have no idea what you all are talking about…..but I share the pieces that are positive with my son and he does get it.

The folks that post in the catchers forum are just awesome. I/we have learned a lot. Several of the posters coach catchers for a living but they share their knowledge with us for free – again, wow!!!

There are so many people on here that provide humor, advice, experiences and just good ole family values that I increasingly treasure this site. Folks like Fungo – who makes you think, ouch, cut that out, to TR who makes you look at reality, ouch, ouch and ouch. I also sneak a peek at the ladies forum and that grounds me, that boy out there is my son, not a player, but my son!!!

I shared with MNMOM in a private conversation, that just about all of our close friends are now baseball people – they will go out of their way to help you or your son,,,,,,,don’t know why but to me baseball is the best “sport of families” (hope that makes sense)

I played baseball in HS and I was one of those guys that just crushed it or struck out. Unfortunately, it went around the league that I couldn’t hit anything but a fast ball. But I did look good in the uni but just became frustrated with the game: K, K, K.

On the other hand, my son started playing baseball when he was about 8. One day he said “dad, I stink”, I said no son, your ok. He then looked me square in the eyes and said “DAD, I STINK!!!!!”. From that day forward I have no idea how many balls I have hit to him or pitched to him and I’m embarrassed to talk about the expense of balls, bats, equipment, training, travel ball, etc. He pushed me, not the other way around.

Things are a bit different now, I still bring him for workouts, hitting, etc, but I can’t keep up with him. He pitched to me a couple of weeks back and to be honest I was down right scared – not only did he throw hard but the ball moved as well – that’s just not fair. We also were practicing throws to third, him from catcher, I caught the ball wrong and my left hand still hurts.

Obviously I can’t keep up with him physically but I can stay ahead of the curve to make sure he has opportunities in the future (grades and other things) that you all have helped me on. Can he turn pro – 1 in a million, but go for it, Can he go D1, 1 in a million but go for it, etc, …….the future is in his hands and I will support him in any way I can…..just need more padding in the glove and better eyesight.

Had this off the wall thought the other night: the power of HSBW during negotiations.

A college coach sitting at the kitchen table with our family. Me with the laptop in front of me typing all the pertinent things the coach says on the HSBW chat room site and reading all your replies. Group negotiations if you will – could be fun…..or it could be we would never see that coach again.

I forget the exact quote but it is something like an ignorant man knows everything but an intelligent man knows that he basically knows nothing. Well I admit that I know basically nothing… that makes me intelligent right?

Thanks for letting me hang around so long!


PS: Last thought, rose colored glasses are off, my son is an excellent catcher and (didn’t get this gene from me) he can hit a baseball

And MNMOM rocks! Thanks for all you do to keep this site up and running and your encouragement to some geeks like me
To our military men, women and families - You are all awesome - that flag is yours and I thank you for the opportunity for giving me the honor of removing my cap prior to every baseball game I see.
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I forget the exact quote but it is something like an ignorant man knows everything but an intelligent man knows that he basically knows nothing. Well I admit that I know basically nothing… that makes me intelligent right?

Dave - wonderful post Smile Your son is definitely on the right track. In the end, it is your family decision that matters most about where your son may play at the next level. Talk to the coaches, listen to your heart, and then come into the chat room and tell us about it.

In addition to being a source of great information - the HWBBWEB gives you the opportunity to see a huge number of different perspectives on the high school and college baseball experience.

It remains fascinating to me to read all of the different stories - the struggles - the accomplishments - and everything in between.

Really an amazing place IMO.
Thanks for the post Dave!

Jogged my memory back a few years and freshened the appreciation for the time spent with my son during the formative baseball years.

You wake up one day and all of a sudden they are gone off on their own lives and we are all transported to the role of "Former Observers"(sorry, Tony, just had to work that in).

Folks like Dave are the ones that encourage their contemporaries to participate more in hsbaseballweb... insuring that the site stays strong and current!

Thanks again!
Last edited by OnePlayer'sPop
OMG--the memories come flooding back. ThebrideofJT got her 40th b-day cake on the mound at our LL park (after spending all day at an AAU tourney). Many of our son's b-days were spent at a park, somewhere, not to mention many of TheBride's and mine anniversaries. Such is the "price" of a June wedding. Baseball has make good times. Many good times. College ball now falls around MY b-day--and I cannot wait.

Great post! JT's response was kind of neat as we just last week were going through photos and came across an anniversary dinner several years ago...being delivered by the girls from the concession stand, complete with a flower on the tray. We've had a stretch of too many years to count where the May 8 wedding date was spent at a ball park...and I see that this year, I'll be behind the microphone doing the PA work so the streak will live on....

This site is the best for baseball info, bar none. I found it when my oldest was a high school sophmore and now he's a college junior (at least I think he is...let's see, how many credits didn't transfer along with him, exams this week, hmmmmmmm....).

I've met several folks on here in person through the years; you'll have that happen too. Kind of neat, when somebody comes up to me with a quizzical look and says "Hokieone???" I'm sure I appear far younger, slightly shorter, and much better looking in the mind's eye, which is okay by me. Smile

Enjoy the ride. This game is fun at every age. The worries change as time passes:
which showcase?
which travel team?
rotational v. linear? (whatever that is...), which position?
D I, II, or III, NAIA?
where are the letters?
where are the calls?
where are the calls and letters?
is he big enough?
fast enough?
where will he be the happiest?
how are his grades?
will that girl friend ever go away?
how is he REALLY doing?
should he transfer?
is transferring wrong?
how bankrupt can I be before she divorces me?
will he graduate before I go bankrupt?
what do I do with all this old baseball stuff that I can never throw out?

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night...and opening day is less than two months away!

Funny, I read your post and thought "that is ME writing it." Odd how similar our situations are. We both joined HSBBW within weeks of each other, we both have 09 catcher sons, and although you beat me to "Old-Timer" status, I'll get there soon.

But I don't feel I qualify for Old Timer status here. I learn so much from people here that I still feel as if I am taking far more than I am contributing to this board.

But if I am lucky enough for my son to advance in the game far enough for our experiences to be useful to others, I pledge that I will indeed become a true "Old-Timer" and stick around to see if I can be of assistance to others as they make the journey.
Rob, great Karma or what....or is it we just love catchers (lol). I'm with you, I take far more then I give, hopefully that changes over time. Will I ever have the wit and inteligence of FUNGO - no - but maybe between the two of never mind

Thanks all for your encouragement and nice words. I cant wait till the day folks like Rob and I are at a game together to watch our sons play.....I'm thinking luxury boxes
Last edited by catcher09

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