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I have a friend who's son is a huge Josh Hamilton fan. His dad wants to take him to Spring Training and get Josh's autograph.

He's under the impression he can attend a team workout and will hopefully have easy access to the players.

Does this sound right? I've been to a couple of Spring Training games but never a workout.
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Sadly, access is not as easy as it used to be. When the Rangers trained in Port Charlotte a few years back; PrimeJr. and I would go early and watch workouts on the back fields before the ST Game started. We would get there about 9am for a 1pm game. We got many an autograph that way on many Fl. sites.

However, now they don't open the field to fans until two hours before game time. The players are more accessible than during the season, but many are intent on just getting their work in and hitting the links. The Invitees, #'s 60 - 99 are eager to sign, the Hamilton's of the world, not so much. Tell him to have his son with ball in hand, out there as early as possible to stake out a likely place to ask Mr. Hamilton, politely, for his autograph. Maybe, he will get lucky!
responding mostly to bump for Papi..

I don't know about the workout sessions. We have made a few Spring Training trips. The players are far more accessible than they are during in-season games but it's still hit-and-miss. Some teams and some players make much more of an effort than others. The big name guys are still typically less accessible than others so I'd be careful about getting the kid's hopes too high regarding Hamilton. He'll definitely be able to meet some players but not necessarily exactly who he wants to.

I remember doing some research before one of our trips and there are quite a few websites that offer tips on best times and ways to connect with players. The folks that work at the facilities are pretty helpful as well.

We took the boys on an Arizona trip the year before the White Sox won the series. We went to several games and saw many teams. The Sox were not really on our radar but happened to be playing vs. one of our target teams one game. Their players, by far, made the best effort to talk to the kids and sign and shake hands. This included guys like Konerko, Rowand, Podsednik and Crede. The boys all came home with a new "second favorite" team.

Edit - Oops, I see I type slower than Prime and repeated some info.
Last edited by cabbagedad
Most of the complexes in AZ have "choke points" where players have to pass from cages, bullpens and fields back to the clubhouse. After workouts fans will stand along this route and ask players to stop and sign. Some will, some never do. Before games, players may sign autographs down the foul lines. Collectors seeking to make money on players signing items have soured some players. If you son is respectful of the player and willing to wait I'm sure he will be treated well.
Many of the position players arrive by the catchers and pitchers report date. ( or before) Very few fans.
I watched a major league team work out on the back fields with about 3 other fans... don't know if things changed but once the "offical spring traing starts its much harder to have access to the players
Last edited by njbb
Originally posted by njbb:
Many of the position players arrive by the catchers and pitchers report date. ( or before) Very few fans.
I watched a major league team work out on the back fields with about 3 other fans... don't know if things changed but once the "offical spring traing starts its much harder to have access to the players

In Jupiter fans are there (in the backfields) weeks before the actual spring training games begin.
I know that some people feel cut off from the players, not as much free access as it used to be when spring training begins, most teams orchestrate times when you can have access and when you cannot and mostly for their safety as well as the fans. And most players have days that they are assigned to be available for autographs (in the stadium), that's why someone like Josh Hamilton signs one day and not the next. The autograph chasers who sell their autographs have soured players, but many will never pass up a young player.

The invitees and non rostered players are always eager to sign. Big Grin
My son was lucky enough to get Josh's autograph while he was on a injury rehab with the Rangers AA team in Frisco, TX. The boys figured out that the players entered/exited the field from a door in the left field corner. They staked out the entrance and caught Josh as he came out for BP. He stopped signed their baseballs and caps, talked to them and went about his business. It is still someting my son talks about.

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