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Trying to get the irrigation system on our football field up and running tonight.  I had three Hunter I25 Sprinkler heads not rotate and spray water in one spot.  From what I can google it's saying that I probably need to change them out.  I'm hoping some of you may know a way to fix them without having to replace them. 

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. Thomas Jefferson

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Thanks guys and ABR10OT that's what I believe I'm looking at.  I'm actually going to look at replacing the whole system.  Our football booster club is willing to pony up the money (around $10K) to bring someone in to redo it.


PG that's a great idea and if we are able to get the new system I will keep that in mind.  Not applicable here because some guy volunteered to do it in our community about 9 years ago so no type of warranty and I'm sure it's expired now if there was one. 


We only have about 18 heads for the whole field but I want to get around 30 to ensure we are able to cover the whole field.  Right now we have some areas that don't get enough water.

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