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With a runner on third your going to be playing your standard bunt #1 defense , just like a runner on first or no one on base. If the runner breaks for home on a squeeze then the 3B should follow him home. First charges the 1B line , 2B takes off for first base to cover and SS has 2B. On a safety squeeze your going to play it straight up and look the runner back.

There is no defense for a perfectly placed bunt. Just like there is no defense for a solid base hit or a flair over the infields head. All you can do is practice and prepare to defend properly. Communication is key.

As far as who should cover 3b if the 3b has to field the bunt it will come down to wear the bunt was fielded and who is in the better posistion to replace the 3b. Sometimes thats the pitcher and sometimes its the catcher. Again by practicing defending the bunt in practice guys learn when to do what. If someone is in posistion to take a throw at 3b they are not going to take 3b.
That's almost exactly how I teach it Coach May. Only thing I do differently is have my SS cover 3B. My CF then comes in to take 2B to stop the guy who bunted the ball from getting to 2B easy. LF backs up 3B and RF backs up 1B.

Reason is there was one year we had several plays where a squeeze or safety squeeze was botched by the offensive team and the runner got back safe to 3B. I had a really good 3B but he wasn't fast.

Now if the offense misses the bunt the catcher can do the rundown back to 3B with the SS waiting for the throw. I don't think a runner has ever got back to 3B on a botch since.

If they lay the bunt down then you still have 3B, 1B and P all still charging like normal to make the play.
That's what I was wondering about as far as who would have 2B if the SS went to 3B.I would want the SS at third unless he was sure there would be no play at home then I would think 2B.If the runner has a good jump and the hitter lays down a perfect bunt,than I would concede the run and have the SS at 2B.I like your coverage Coach2709.

Being that there may be play at the plate,the catcher has to stay reasonably close to home so he can make a play thus leaving the 1b,Pitcher,3B to field.Depending on how hard and where the ball is bunted and if the runner goes would determine who should be at where.Any others?
There are numerous trick plays you can run when you know the bunt is coming. Numerous things you can do to try and steal an out. And numerous things you can do to set it all up.

Runner on first - sac bunt is coming.
#1- Pitcher steps off and throws over. Did the hitter show bunt - did the runner extend early?
#2- Pitcher throws over with his best move. Look for indicators again.
#3- Fastball way off - catcher throws down to first base in an attempt to pick runner getting too much of a jump anticipating the bunt being put down. Look for indicators again.
#4- Fastball way off that can not be bunted - On the delivery 3B charges hard - SS charges hard - 2b charges hard - 1b charges and then busts back to 1b - lf takes 3b charging on the delivery - cf charges on delivery and takes 2b - rf ready to back up throw to 1b - the runner sees everyone charging and extends way too much or starts to vacated bag at 2b - catcher nails runner.

This play works very well with a runner on 2b in a bunt situation. When he sees both mif's charging as the pitcher lifts to throw he almost always gets too much. The cf breaks in behind him and 3b holds at 3b so he can not take 3b. The pitcher does and inside move and bingo almost all the time. Its takes some time to work down the timing but it can be a very effective pick off play in a critical situation.

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