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So joemktgson is finishing up his first growth spurt (just turned 14), and is now having an issue fielding grounders from SS on the run to his left side. Result is the ball going beneath the glove, so the obvious fix is to get lower. Q: while moving to the left, what is the best way to get low? Is it a bend at the waist, or is it a center of gravity collapse resulting from longer strides, or is it something else?
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Always bend at the knees regardless of which direction you are going. Move to the ball low and stay low. Do not try to run to the ball and then get low, resulting in a "stabbing" action.

Just what my guy has been taught for years by Denny Doyle, former Red Sox MIF who played in the majors for more than 10 seasons. Denny would make my guy run around with his knees half bent. Created a lot of "burn" in those leg muscles!
Last edited by floridafan
Son had the same problem when he had a growth spurt. He tended to run to the ball with his arm straight instead of bent, also bending from the waist instead of the knees like the previous poster said.

Once he bent his arm he had to bend his knees to get low enough to field the ball and he was much more able to adjust to bad hops. Hope it helps.

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