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Please read of the baseball program at Sonoma State University located one hour north of the Golden Gate bridge in the beautiful wine country of Sonoma County.

Of course, I am partial to this area and SSU since I have lived here for 33 years and coached the baseball team in 1977. John Goelz is a truly amazing coach with over 700 wins.

If you have any questions please send me a communication or join me at the field.

Bob Williams
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What a nice article about SSU. Out of curiosity, I checked out their website. Definitely seems to be a good program... and sounds like they have a team-oriented focus. Great story about the Adler kid. I was looking at the SSU stats and even noted how they get a LOT of players in the game... and they are still winning. In fact, they carry five catchers and they are all getting quality playing time (PT). Also lot of high BA's on this squad.

I am curious. In general, it seems PT approaches run the gamut from playing only starters all the time to a more rotational approach. What's the underlying philosophy? I've always heard that starters need to "gel" and fine-tune their game by logging lots of innings (even in meaningless games)... and that this is the key to consistent winning. But, here's an example (and I've seen others) where playing time is spread around, even platooned, and the team is very successful.

Just wondering what you coaching experts think. Looks like SSU has had a lot of success with players moving on to professional baseball too.

This has been and age-old hmmmmm for me since Little League days. I personally found that rotations worked best, but I always seemed to be in the minority.
Last edited by SnowBall
You are correct. They carry 5 catchers and all receive playing time. Many times, I have discussed John's strategy of rotating the players
in the games. I have discussed with the parents and noticed that there are 5 "drop downs" from Division 1 programs.

Everyone is OK with this strategy. As long as the team is winning, it is accepted.

When I played at MSU [Michigan State*, we won the Big Ten and entered the College World Series with this same strategy. When my son Robert played at U of Hawaii, Coach Les used the same strategy and they were ranked #8 in the Nation in 1991.

The college season is long and when a coach plays his entire team this helps when there are injury's.

This provides a coach with information as to his players as to how they "match up" against specific teams and specific pitchers.

Bob Williams
Bob thanks so muhc for the invite! Haven't made it up recently...busy with mine. But I do think highly of the program...and I do catch them down this way...and I do sing their praises with those who fit. Will take in more games next year with my favorite local lefty having done his transfer pen-nanace, and ready to reclaim his dominance...they are going to be even more fun!

Cool 44

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