There seems to be a grass roots movement going on in California right now in view of Gunnar Sandberg's severe injury. It appears some teams are taking their own initiative to switch to wood bats. Unfortunately, one kid too many may have been sacrificed to cause the change of heart.
Why not start this same movement now across the US and drive this issue from the bottom?
I know that many of our members and readers here hold some kind of power in baseball. Either you are a coach or some other baseball decision maker. Rather than try and change the whole system from the top down, why not change this from the bottom up. Why not change to wood now ( on the team or teams you have influence) so maybe another injury of this severity can be averted.
Are stats that important? Is it that important that your team has the latest aluminum model that money can buy? Is winning more important than safety? What if it were your son in the hospital? What would your feelings be on this issue? What about Gunnar?
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