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Originally posted by SWAC:
Crawdad don't be so tough, I heard yo did the same thing at 17. Smile

Not so....I burned down an old house. And my dad did not tell me not to do it before I did it. I TOLD Bug not to burn fireworks BEFORE he left to go ride 4 wheelers Saturday afternoon.

Besides, I am on the other side of the fence now.
This should be a giveaway to OBN and KD.
My son is a junior (07) LHP/1ST for the Lake Dallas Falcons. Joedaddy might remember him as he was the lefty who relieved Jones when North came down to Lake Dallas last year. I think his son was the one who hit a moon shot off a hanging curve ball. He did strike out the next five in a row, only because they were all trying to see when the homer was gonna land. As far as summer, looking! PM me if you are in need of a LHP.
On a little side note, the first (select) team my son ever tried out for was NATURAL'S Texas Horns when he was 10. Didn't make it but made him a better player because of it.
Last edited by Danny Boydston
Knowing the character of "theygrowupfast" I think what theygrowupfast was actually saying is that at a very young age his son tried out for his first select team and because he didn't make it, it pushed him to work harder to get where he is, it wasn't a slam to you because you didn't select him but a comment based on the fact that sometimes not making something is the best test of someones desire and they do stay in the game and in a blink of an eye they are HS Juniors/ is all in how the post is read.

They grow up fast it was great catching up with you today, see you on 2/7. Hope it isn't the typical first game of the season, rain/freezing............

Hope you guys have a great season but you know who I am rooting for on 2/7, you know it won't effect the friendship! Too many years and we only have 2 more HS seasons left, they do indeed grow up fast!

Congrats on your Horns Victory!
Last edited by oldbat-never
You are correct, it was not a slam at all.
Just the opposite. That team he tried out for was a very talented team then and the years they were together after that. My son was nowhere near being ready for that talent level. I'm still not sure he is at that level now, but we are a contributer on our high school team and that is all we really wanted when we went to our first tryout back then.
Now, being a junior in high school, we will let the chips fall where they may.
Thanks for the kind words oldbat, and the congrats on the horns victory!!
See you 2/7 with knots in our stomachs!!!

Confession time: had to go with the PAC 10 school (gotta stay/support with the conference even after 25yrs), much to the disgust of most of those I know, and I am sure I will continue to hear about it for days/months/years to come. Frown

4A: From what you said with the talent that has moved in and up at Lake Dallas they will be tough again this year! Only 27 more days and we will see first hand.
Last edited by oldbat-never
That was my boy (thanks for the smile). A low inside CB that he was able to turn-on. Your son sat down the 5 or 6 in front of him as well as the 5 after him. I thought your son pitched real well. LD had a good ball club last year. Looking forward to this year, but it won't be the same w/out a boy on the field.

Head to the Marshal's tryout with your son, they are in need of some lefties, and yours was always a crafty lefty, even back when the boys were 8 and 9.

Josh will also be playing with the Marshal's this summer.

Haven't run into you in a long time, hope to get to see the boys at LD play this spring, although don't know how well I'll be recieved in the stands Big Grin Big Grin

Tell A that Nick and I said "hi"
Thanks joedaddy,
When and if the ball ever stops orbiting the moon, Smile
I will take a look at it and see if there is a huge dent in it.
Lake Dallas will not be as strong this year because of the loss of Jones. He is now at Louisiana Tech playing ball. In district 9-4A anything can happen.

Hope you guy's are doing well. I think the thread about "most with the least" pretty much describes the LD club. Good coaching and average to a little above average talent playing with heart. No solid D1 prospects. Tell Nick hi and Josh as well when you see him. I will tell A about the Marshals.
Take care and talk to you soon. Smile
Last edited by Danny Boydston
I wasn't sure so just wanted to clarify as I know this Dad and that is the last thing he would want someone to think of his post, and you know how these boards can get at this time of year, the preseason anxiety tends to make things run amuke now and then.

Good Luck to you this season, I know TCA will be strong again and will hopefully take it all the way, have several friends on that team and plan on making a game or 2, only got to 1 last year due to conflicts in schedules. Good Luck to your son who is a very talented LHP!
Last edited by oldbat-never
OBN... thanks for the kind words about "natural-son2"... he will be coming off injury this season (acl repair) so getting back on the field means a lot to him. It has been a very long rehab and he has worked extremely hard.

If you do make it out to a TCA game - stop by the pressbox and say hi -- you will find me running the music. Best of luck to your son in '06.
Heard about the ACL and know the team is anxious to get your son back on the field and on the mound......

Will say hi, hope to make the TCA/Prestonwood game or the TCA/LCA game this year, need to check schedules, if you have a TCA one can you PM me it or I can get it from either one of my friends, a catcher and middle infielder on your team.............

GOOD LUCK and have a Great Season.

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