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I have been wondering when this issue was going to come up. I am frankly suprised that it hasn't received more space considering the amount of money and advertising the bat companies have spent on this technology. I have tried the flex bats. I don't know, I just don't get it. To me, it is like hitting with a cracked bat. The whole benefit of hitting with metal bats is the tight jump-of-the-bat feeling you get when you connect with the ball.
The stiff flex bats almost seem more powercored on the outside than on a normal bat. It seems like a harder plastic on the stiff bats. To me when I have used them, there is more of a thunk to the contact, which I personally hate. I guess it is just whatever you prefer, but the regualar bats in my opinion, you can't go as wrong with. I can understand what Savannah means when he said that it feels like a cracked bat when you swing it.

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