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I stayed out of this one since Steve and I are friends. However, personally, I have all of Steve's videos and am looking forward to a new one he is in the process of developing. I've said before that if you are looking for bells and whistles then this isn't for you. He is much like me in that he is not about being pretty. He's about substance. In saying that, if your looking for a technique where one will give you some count off system, then this isn't for you. Ultimately, the real value of the DVD is that with that purchase, you also gain access to the private portion of his website. I'd say that I personally spend a couple of hours per day looking at that in some capacity.

To quote one certain poster, () on the value of those drills on the private portion of Steve's site, this quote was found on another website, which went something to the effect of, " Steve demonstrate drill no 17 I noticed that his bat came around like a big league hitter.....a kind of swiveling of the forearms.I realized that we did not do that." Of course this quote was in the context of another discussion but does reference the value of those drills.

I'm not here to promote anyone. You do the investigation and make the decision that you think is best. I am looking forward to Chameleon's DVD. I certainly think that since he has this figured out and is now certain of what he believes, he will jump into the fray with his pocketbook and not just his wit. Of course the title of said DVD could pose a problem. JoeBad's Box Set of everything you need to know about hitting. Perhaps Chameleon makes changes you need to know about. Then again, Linear goes Rotational. Finally, Teacherman's Pool and Hitting DVD Set. (This set would include a free order of wings if you visit his place.) OK, I never claimed to be sharp myself. He'll have to do his own marketing.
Last edited by CoachB25
Originally posted by Chameleon:
Waste of time.

Always consider the source. This enlightening statement certainly lends credibility to anything that may be posted in the future, or that may have been posted in the past by the Chameleon. The name certainly fits. Isn't a chameleon a little lizard that when frightened by something changes it's colors in order to hide. Yeah, thought so.

Steve's stuff is very sound and has helped me work with my son. I am just a dad trying to help my son weed through the garbage and have more success and fun. I was looking for a video that would help me help him. I found it with Steve's DVD's.

I will second CoachB25's comments about the substance and the value of the forum on Steve's site. Steve has personally never failed to answer any of my what to him must seem like simple minded questions either. The bottom line for me is that when you break his stuff down into simple function and practice, it makes sense. Good stuff!!

Last edited by deaconspoint

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