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Fox fired Steve Lyons for "racial insensitivity" over his goofy banter with Pinella when Pinella spoke spanish and Lyons said something something like "Yo habla espanol" and tried to spin a joke off Pinella's line about looking for a wallet.

I'm absolutely in the dark on this one-somebody tell me what I missed.
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There's got to be more to it than this --- habitual offender, maybe.

I recall the Green remark as well. Reminded me of the (perhaps apocryphal) Walter Alston line when Sandy Koufax didn't start the '65 WS because the first game was on Yom Kippur. Drysdale pitched instead and got beaten up pretty badly --- only lasted a few innings. Alston was reported to have said, "What? You couldn't be Jewish, too?!"
All you have to do is go to the lower minor leagues and listen to the Latin players speaking in Spanish about American players.

If you understand the language, it isn't very nice and they should all be launched.

They aren't because MLB is afraid of everyone.

Then...they launch a media lightweight like Lyons.

Anxious to see what happens to the "thugs" that are the Miami U football Hurricanes and their actions in the game yesterday with FIU . Talk about LACK OF CONTROL OR DISCIPLINE OF A PROGRAM!!!!!

Last edited by BeenthereIL

Anxious to see what happens to the "thugs" that are the Miami U football Hurricanes and their actions in the game yesterday with FIU . Talk about LACK OF CONTROL OR DISCIPLINE OF A PROGRAM!!!!!


Since you were in IL and couldnt be there live, you only see what the media wants you to see. BOTH teams were at fault and im not condoning what happened, but FIU came in with a chip on their shoulder and was playing very dirty from the start. Late hits and an extra push on the ground every chance they had.

The thugs are no longer at UM, thats why they are not too good right now. Mrs. Shelaila(sp?) has raised the standards at UM to (gasp!) try and make it known more for its academics than a sports school.
I don't recall the exact line, but Lyons and the other announcer and Pinella were discussing a particular player, that he was usually light hitting but was coming up big in the playoffs and Pinella remarked it was like finding a "lost wallet".

Pinella then went on to make some remarks in spanish. Lyons responding saying something to the effect that: Lou is "hab laying" in spanish and I don't undersand him, plus i'm still curious about that "lost wallet"-maybe I shouldn't be sitting next to him.

Somehow this has apparently been taken to mean Lyons was implying that spanish speaking people are theives

I think this is a bit of a streeeeeeeeetch this time. I gotta think ol' Psycho got the boot more for the accumulation effect as his remarks about Shawn Green really were inappropriate and recently he made on-air remarks poking fun at a man in the stands for wearing some device over his eyes and it turned out the man is almost totally blind and was using some device to assist his being able to see some part of the game.

Foot in mouth is a tough disease to overcome in these politically correct days.
The irony of course is that the whole reason they hired Lyons in the first place was because he's kind of goofy and willing to say things that keep you from falling asleep. He's supposed to be off the wall; that's what they hired him for.

Turns out that's not what they wanted after all.

I don't think anything he said was offensive. If anyone took offense at those quotes, the problem is in their heads, not in what Lyons said. At worst, you could say he was being paid to be funny and he wasn't really being very funny. He was straining to say something funny but couldn't come up with anything.

Fire him for that if you want, but we've got to quit this stuff with letting everyone out their with hair-trigger tempers tell us that they're offended and we have to cater to their thin skins.
I am a Mexican-American born of third generation and my wife's family was born in Mexico. I was watching the game and heard what Lyons said and thought nothing of it. No big deal. When I found out he had been fired for a comment he made. I thought I might have missed something during the broadcast. Onyl to find out about why he was fired, I thought how ridiculous. They might have had it in for him and it was thier way out.

I hope this not turn into hate thing. What things have Latin Players said that you have heard so they would be launched.
I was shocked when i heard he was fired. Insensitivity? Puhlease. It was strictly kidding, and I certainly don't think Lou was offended. Didn't hear nothing of it, till a friend told me. Lou was talking about Oakland Shortstop Marco Scutaro, hitting well in the previous series against Minnesota, it was like he had found a wallet (Lucky), and maybe he could find another wallet. Lyons chimes in and says "I don't want to sit next to him", and immediately everyone thinks it is offensive because of Lou's Hispanic heritage. Nothing was ever mentioned about the series of the Dodgers and Mets when Lyons and the Play-by-Play guy (can't remember his name) talking about the guy in the stands with special glasses and how rediculous he looked, (come to find out he is blind, and needs those special glasses to see). Let them call the game, get over the political correctness, otherwise, you are going to get a bunch of boring Tim McCarver's calling every game.
Last edited by dadchs20
Bee- fox has rehired him?

I know the Dodgers are retaining him but making him take "sensitivity" classes.

Pinella has also know spoken up in COMPLETE defense of Lyons saying he knows Steve, he is in NO fashion a racist and that he (Pinella) took no offense at Lyons' comment and couldn't understand how anyone would.

Leave it to Fox.
It was without question offensive and insulting to all people of Hispanic descent, who by the way, make up 50% of the players on the field between the two teams and a huge percentage of the audience. C'mon guys - what if it was Joe Morgan, instead of Piniella, and he had said something in slang, and Lyons mentioned that he'd better check his wallet!? I am Hispanic, and I was offended. What I will admit is that the penalty may or may not fit the crime. However, we all know that "diversity" training is a joke, and that Lyons will never change. Hello Little League World Series! Maybe he can replace the quickly departed Harold Reynolds...
It was without question offensive and insulting to all people of Hispanic descent
not ALL were offended - - 100% of the hispanics in the booth (and who actually understood Lyons) took no offense at all (Pinella)

but I'll agree Lyons is generally offensive annoying, especially his theory about home runs killing a rally Confused

Last edited by Bee>
Reynolds (ESPN) and now Lyons (FOX)… Makes you wonder… could this be a case of sacrificing individuals to create controversy, and cause more interest? In the interest of higher ratings, somehow?

When everyone complains and talks about how they dislike McCarver, does it somehow create enough interest to actually benefit the network?

It’s kind of like the most annoying commercial ending up being the most effective because everyone remembers it and talks about it. Most people talk about the best and the worst… not the average.

I remember how Howard Cosell used to drive me crazy. Couldn’t help but see what “know-it-all” comment he would say next. Same thing holds true for our local weatherman. Ended up liking them both!
Cosell was a brilliant man who understood how to use his personality in a way to open up the eyes of the American public. The networks now try to use the negative personality attributes of an ex-jock in an attempt raise ratings, a sacrificial lamb of sorts who all eventually end up at the slaughter house.
Last edited by rz1
C'mon Coachric - If you're in Orlando, good luck holding that Fortune 500 Company job or coaching those great Cuban-American players down there while making remarks about them being thieves. Bet that goes over well with the parents and administrators... The fact is, times have changed. You can't kid about race. And by the way, Lyons wasn't fired for making a remark to Piniella, and it doesn't matter whether Piniella was offended. He was fired because the remark was made ON THE AIR, in front of millions.

As for your advice to "grow up" Have you forgotten that we're grown men writing on the High School Baseball Web?

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