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LOL..Joe Morgan's a a bitter blowhard who's jealous because nobody cares about his Red Machine while everybody cares about The Bronx Zoo.

Steve Phillips was an an average GM at best for the Mets, but as an analyst, the guy is clueless.

You can add Joe Buck to that list of bad TV personalities. The guy only got the job because of daddy. There's no way this guy sniffs a broadcast mike otherwise.
Last edited by zombywoof
You realize of course that Phillips got fired in NY because of inappropriate behavior within the office---ESPN hires him but fired Harold Reynolds


As for ESPN hiring Phillips and Firing Reynolds, you think it could be because he worked Little League when Reynolds rap went down as opposed to Phillips workin for the Metsand not ESPN so ESPN treats it as it never happened? ?. Strange policy they got regarding that so who knows.
Wayne-- couldn't agree more on Steve Stone and Harry Carey--But my all time favorite was Jack Brickhouse " Kessinger to Beckett to Banks it's a double play" and "Hey Hey it's a home run" bring back great memories--Like to listen to Santo on the radio, he is as big of "HOMER" announcer as you'll find but there is no one more passionate, he was my favorite player growing up.
Wayne and baseball dad Harry Carrey and Steve Stone are two of the major reasons I love the Chicago Cubs to this day. I remember when we first got cable TV and WGN showed Cubs games all the time. They were knowledgeable and entertaining at the same time. It was like you were sitting in the booth with them just talking about the games.

I remember when they brought celebrities into the booth to talk. One of the funniest was Bill Murray when the Cubs played the Expos. He was hilarious as he did play by play. I think this was when Harry was out when he had a heart attack.

The funniest thing ever was the camera panning over the crowd and they found this couple kissing. They showed it two or three times and finally Harry had a comment on it (which sounded like he already had a few Buds in him).

Harry - "I've figured it out Steve. He kisses her on the strikes and she kisses him on the balls"

You could literally hear Steve Stone leaving the booth laughing hysterically. Funniest thing I have ever heard during a game in my life.
my all time favorite is these two radio announcers for the yankees. they know nothing about the game, oneday i was riding home in the car and i heard
"Oh its a deep drive to centerfield its the farthest hit ball ive ever seen! yankees score again! oh wait... sorry ground ball second base"
nothing they said was right including scores or who played for what team
The Twins radio broadcast guy is a man by the name of John Gordon. Along with being one of the most enthusiastic broadcasters out there, he also trips over more words and hems-and-haws more than anyone. He is famous for rustling through papers in front of him while the play is going on and giving the play-by-play only after he looks at his monitor because he hears cheers from the crowd. I used to loathe him but he's definitely grown on me through the years.

Here are a few of examples of his brilliance:

"The Indians are playing at Kauffman, and it's Kansas City 6-5 over the Royals..."

"The Cubs and White Sox are matched up in interleague play and Chicago is up 5-3."

"And it's a line drive to 3rd!!! he struck him out." (confused the throw around the horn w/ a batted ball)

Last edited by OnWabana

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