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I don't know if any of you have heard but we had some major storms roll through here last week. It was reported that a tornado went over our school. I know that the wind was extremely strong and there are still 250,000 in our area without power. The power lines all along Route 40 are broken down and our school just got it's power back.

I've been working over at our farm since we lost our fences. I've got more blisters from digging post holes than I've had in years. LOL! Well, with that accomplished I came to school today to see what the damage was. I've lost a dugout, backstop, my batting cages are sitting at a 45 degree angle, the nets are ripped to pieces, and I have some tarps but who knows where they are. The tarp that covers our bullpen is in a tree. I know I can get it down. This is very depressing! Our diamond has been one of the best around and now this. Well, I'm going to do some work for a former student who needs a recommendation and then, I'll have to get to work on the diamond. Seems like it's always something!

"Failure depends upon people who say I can't."  - my dad's quote July 1st, 2021.  CoachB25 = Cannonball for other sites.

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CoachB25, I'm sorry to hear and hope that everyone out your way recovers from the storms this past week. I was coaching our summer team in the area this past weekend. We were headed from a field in St Louis to SIU Edwardsville and traveled with the storm as it crossed the Mississippi River on 270. It was pretty scary to say the least. Hopefully you can put things back together for the Spring!
Last edited by Gamer
Coach,,,sorry about your loss...your insurance
companies are getting a workout down there.
It's been a pretty violent year so far. Coming
home to Chicago from SIUC during the spring, a couple of times had to pull off the road as the wind and rain were sooooooo bad.

Call those boys of yours (not that you have to call, cause from the relationship you have with your team, calls aren't necessary!) and get them to work....

Good luck and God Bless!

We all recognize what a proud man you are and how hard you work for your players each and every year. We also know that your baseball budget is extremely limited.

I agree 100& with lineshot and lsc with their comments.

I'm suggesting that it would be a great thing if those of us on this board who have benefitted from Coach's knowledge and humility step up to the plate with some good old fashioned green and help the Triad field and equipment get repaired, replaced or whatever is needed.

Coach, I don't expect you to ask in a public forum for outside help, I don't think it is in your nature to do so, but please contact those of us who you know by PM and let us do whatever we can to help out.
Last edited by itsrosy
Wow, thanks for the offers! As you may know, they have now determined that 5 tornadoes went through Madison County on that day. One right over our school. That is the one that landed and took out my ball diamond. The insuarance adjusters haven't been able to get over here as of yet to look at my field. I'm sure that they will step up and do the right thing. Again, thanks so much for the offers.
coach b, i tried to send you a p m, i dk how that works so ill put it out in the open...i will send you a check to help you recover your field. i need an address where to send it. if you want to put it out to the public...please or p m me, though i dk how that works. i love baseball and if i can start the ball rolling i will. i know alot of kind people on this site would do the same. im not trying to sound like a bigshot or start trouble...i just dont know how to pm techy please let me know what i can do to help sweaty
I don't care what anyone says... you guys are a decent bunch!

Good luck, coach - I'm sure the insurance folks will do right by you (we come from a long line of insurance types!)Here's your chance to tweak your facility just the way you like it! I know our coach wouldn't mind re-doing a few elements of our field, especially in the off season!
Coach B,
Two years ago our HS lost the roof to the "clubhouse' over the home dugout. The school board said they would fix it.
Last year they lost all of the lights on the field, and the batting cages we constructed raising 3K to pay for it. The team had to play their home games on another field.

To this day NOTHING has been done to fix any of the damage done. They say there is no money for repairs (football field and track got fixed asap. Last I heard the coach was going to FEMA. So much for the importance of HS baseball.
Last edited by TPM
I typed a response here but I guess it didn't come up on the site. Beenthere and Tiger Paw Mom, you both have a pm. To make a long post that isn't here brief, there comes a point where the responsibility of repairing that diamond should not be assumed by the parents, players and coaching staff. Doing the right thing in this regard and fixing that diamond is no less that what has been already done for other sports.
CoachB25 - I couldn't agree with you more. I get so weary of seeing baseball players spend 45 min to an hour before and after every game raking, watering, lining, hauling equipment, etc. I've never seen a football team line their own field or empty the trash cans after the game the way our boys do. What would everyone think if the basketball team came out and mopped the gym floor before the game started? I guess it's called being the ugly stepchild. I've even questioned when our athletic department stopped purchasing bats for the baseball team - and why don't football players have to provide their own pads?

And the more baseball coaches do the more they're expected to do, it seems. Our coach single handedly got donated labor and materials to construct two new dugouts this year and got not one word of thanks from any of the higher ups. To reward him, they cut his budget for next year by $2000. I guess we'll soon be learning how to stitch our own baseballs.

Your school surely has insurance that would cover the damage to the baseball field - make sure they use it to put you back to rights.

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