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Have any of you ever seen an umpire call interference -- on himself???

Runners on 1st and 2nd, one out, right-handed hitter at bat.....runners stealing on the pitch....catcher threw into left field, allowing the winning run to score. The umpire called interference on himself for not avoiding the catcher during his throw to 3rd. C took a small step back to avoid throwing into the hitter ----- runners back to their original bases --- pitch called a strike. We won anyway on a wild pitch and a suicide squeeze.......but I've never seen this call. A crafty catcher? Smile

Share your recollection of unusual calls............kermit?
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Had a hitter called out after 2 strikes...Hitter took 3 steps away from the plate after two strikes and the umpire said, "That's it ...that's three, you're out of here if you don't want to hit anymore than that!" I walked down and ask him if he could do that, and he said I don't think so but I already did. Will you bob your head up and down a little and get more adimate so your fans will get off my back? I acted like I was giving him an earfull and he told me as I was walking away to tell 12 he owed him one. One turned out to be about 5 for the kids career. Great umpire BTW and the both of us still laugh about it everytime we see each other. I use to ask him if we were playing 2 strike ball or three tonight at the meeting before every game after that.
I once threw Thigpen out of a game as the teams were shaking hands at game end. I believe your son was playing on the Yankees at the time.

Here is another strange one. I was coaching against Bass and the bases were loaded with Bankston on 3rd. The umpire thought it was ball four and sent the batter to 1st. As you know it was a tight game and I go crazy. The umpire sends Bankston back to 3rd and now Bass comes out and ask the ump did he give time. The ump said no and then it should be a stolen base. The ump orginally agreed with Bass and my argument was you put my team at a disadvantage not knowing the count. We went back and forth for 30 minutes and he finally put the runner back on third; the batter got a hit anyway game over.

By the way, the umpire in your case made the correct call.
Last edited by SWAC
Originally posted by 2010DAD:
my son got called for balking at 1st base. Never heard of that before. Supposedly his left foot was outside the baseline when the pitcher released the ball with a runner on 1st.

I'm just trying to visualize this. If your son (the 1st baseman) has his right foot in fair territory (normally the case) then it doesn't matter if his left foot is in foul territory. This is perfectly legal. Did I miss something in the description?
"his left foot was outside the baseline when the pitcher released the ball with a runner on 1st"

As I understand it, this is an illegal defensive position - both feet must be within the field of play. In other words, having one foot in foul territory is not legal.

I did not know the play was called a balk. One ump told me that he would simply call a player safe if the player who had been positioned illegally makes a defensive play on the ball to get an out.
Originally posted by BeenVeryGoodToMe:
"his left foot was outside the baseline when the pitcher released the ball with a runner on 1st"

As I understand it, this is an illegal defensive position - both feet must be within the field of play. In other words, having one foot in foul territory is not legal.

I did not know the play was called a balk. One ump told me that he would simply call a player safe if the player who had been positioned illegally makes a defensive play on the ball to get an out.

It never ceases to amaze me how many umps never read the rule book. Some think they have been umping so long they don't need to read it.

Let me quote the rule book and case book on this one.

Rule 1 Section 1 Article 4 (1.1.4) At the time of the pitch, all fielders shall be on fair ground except the catcher who shall be in the catcher's box. A fielder is in fair ground when at least one foot is touching fair ground

Case Book - 1.1.4 Situation: With R1 on first, (a) F9 cuts in behind R1 for a throw from F1, who is in contact with the pitcher's plate, and receives a pickoff throw in foul territory; or (b) F3 has one foot in foul territory when he receives a pickoff throw; or (c) F3, in contact with the base, has one foot in foul territory as the throw is received. RulingLegal in (a),(b),and (c). In (a) since F1 had not committed himself to pitch to the batter, the play is legal. In (a),(b) and (c) F3 is permitted to have a foot in foul territory, even at the time of pitch.

This is verbatim from the NFHS rule and case book. Now you know where to tell the ump to go next time this happens (no pun intended).
Originally posted by swingdoctor14:
Had a hitter called out after 2 strikes...Hitter took 3 steps away from the plate after two strikes and the umpire said, "That's it ...that's three, you're out of here if you don't want to hit anymore than that!" I walked down and ask him if he could do that, and he said I don't think so but I already did. Will you bob your head up and down a little and get more adimate so your fans will get off my back? I acted like I was giving him an earfull and he told me as I was walking away to tell 12 he owed him one. One turned out to be about 5 for the kids career. Great umpire BTW and the both of us still laugh about it everytime we see each other. I use to ask him if we were playing 2 strike ball or three tonight at the meeting before every game after that.

That's a great story coach!

By the way, plan on coming to McKinney on Wednesday, August 2nd if you're in town. Someone you know will be on the bump at the MMWS against Puerto Rico.
Is that ya'lls first game? That was ours last year-against Puerto Rico. Be prepared for some serious cheering. I'm sure ML will hush 'em up real quick.

Yes, it's the first game for the Mavs. We have a committee of mom's just to make noise makers for this game according to one of the mom's on the team. I hear the Rican's can make some real noise. Hopefully ML will be able to quiet them pretty quick. I know they are some free swingers for sure. Most of them will swing at just about anything as hard as they can. At least that's how they were in pro ball.
I can recall several "uncommon" umpiring decisions...They all were at BBI,They all were when we played the Garland Cubs.... Need I say more... Yeah let me get this one out...were up 8-0 in the bottom of the 2nd inning, we have the base loaded no outs,hitter pops it strait up about two feet foul, the pitcher and catcher converge and knock each other down ball is on the ground clearly Foul , runner from third tags up after the collision and ran home out of habbit.. after a lengthy visit from the cubs coach, Umpire rules a catch and runner on third out. (claimed he never went back to 3rd base, in fact was waiting for the ruling to go back)
Concerning umpire foul ups ~ another favorite of mine was one of those three ring circus events where the ball is overthrown 2 or 3 times and runners were flying back and forth and when the dust settled I went to the field umpire and simply asked who called time? He (in a soft voice) told me when they F^#% up that bad it's an automatic time out till they sort it out. Went off laughing at a great response.
One of our umpires several years ago boogered up a call. Runner on base and batter swings, but he hits the catcher's glove and the ball. It should have been a delayed dead ball to see what happens, but the umpire killed it immediately. Runner might have scored if the play was allowed to continue. Long time coach came out and asked ump "Don't we get the option of either the play or the award?" Ump said "Normally you do, but I've already screwed it up and killed it, so I will listen to everything you have to say as long as you don't talk about my mama." Long time coach just started laughing, said "OK.", and walked off still laughing.
Originally posted by another dad:
I can recall several "uncommon" umpiring decisions...They all were at BBI,They all were when we played the Garland Cubs.... Need I say more... Yeah let me get this one out...were up 8-0 in the bottom of the 2nd inning, we have the base loaded no outs,hitter pops it strait up about two feet foul, the pitcher and catcher converge and knock each other down ball is on the ground clearly Foul , runner from third tags up after the collision and ran home out of habbit.. after a lengthy visit from the cubs coach, Umpire rules a catch and runner on third out. (claimed he never went back to 3rd base, in fact was waiting for the ruling to go back)

I take exception to your Garland Cubs comment. The coach of the CUBS, is someone I have the highest respect for. He spends a lot of time and his own money to coach. He is one of the few who does not get paid to coach and does not want to be paid to coach. My son played for him a couple or years ago and learned more baseball from him than he has from any of his current or past paid coaches. The tournaments he schedules, the Cubs get the wost times, the 8:00 am games and usually against the strongest team. He does not want anyone to have reason to say Cubs get special attention or had the best game times against the easiest teams. Jim is old school, he teaches the respect of the game. He teaches boys to become men. I have seen boys who played for him in the past put their hat on straight, tuck their shirt, before they come up to him to say hello. He treats his players, parents and umps with respect and he return he gets respect.
Originally posted by Mickey Mantle World Series:
One of our umpires several years ago boogered up a call. Runner on base and batter swings, but he hits the catcher's glove and the ball. It should have been a delayed dead ball to see what happens, but the umpire killed it immediately. Runner might have scored if the play was allowed to continue. Long time coach came out and asked ump "Don't we get the option of either the play or the award?" Ump said "Normally you do, but I've already screwed it up and killed it, so I will listen to everything you have to say as long as you don't talk about my mama." Long time coach just started laughing, said "OK.", and walked off still laughing.

Nothing but respect for those that can ADMIT their mistakes and LEARN from them. Plus, humor makes it so much easier to accept. Smile
I echo Ed's comments. I have a tremendous amount of respect for Jim Perry and his program. He is an honest and dedicated baseball man and has done as much or more for our community's baseball youth than anyone else that I know. That's not an overstatement. My sons should be so lucky to play for Jim when they get older.

If you're not familiar with the Garland Cubs, check out their web site: Garland Cubs
Last edited by Frozen Ropes GM
EdSir.. I could NOT agree with you more about Jim and everything he has done for youth baseball in this area. You are absolutly correct in your desciption of his character and his teams/players. The fact is I can tell many stories of uncommon calls involving his games. I truly believe Jim was not behind them however, (Jim is the umpires employer and they tend to want to please him...) I have had many sources tell of many simular calls. The post was meant to humor in past experience, not to dis-respect, dis-honor, or in revenge of Jim...
PD - Thanks for the ruling.

I find it very, very interesting that a) I did not know this rule until now b) that I learn of this rule in the last 48 hours c) it is posted in a Texas baseball chat room in the last 48 hours and d) I get to see and umpire make a ruling in a game on this yesterday and was wrong in the interpretation of the rule.

Yes, we got hit with the balk and nobody said anything.

The stories are great. Keep them coming.

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