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Originally posted by Rob Kremer:

WAY too much information.

I am with you RK.

I understand the scenerio, but seems to me it has has become, bash mom and HER son.

We recently got into it with a parent here telling him that he should never say negative things about another player, not sure how this is different.

I am not doubting what went down, but I think it's become personal and I don't think this is the place for that.
Originally posted by BBkaze:
It's not that I don't understand where you are coming from coach, it's just that your perspective is that of a coach, not a Mom. A Mom doesn't look at the larger picture, she may understand that there is a larger picture, but it is only in the context of where she sees her son fitting into that picture.

It wasn't she who moved her son up from JV to varsity, and being that the coach did to a Mom's way of thinking signifies he is confirming what she has known all along that her Johnny is better than JV and should take his rightful place in the varsity lineup.

Now as her son's first fan and mentor, she feels it is her right to argue her case as any good Mom would, or coach, when the call comes up snake-eyes.

Now JMO, but I think RJM is more into the politics of it rather than understanding the role of a Mom to her son's prospects. She may not be doing the kid any favors but she will go down trying.

I had a Mom that would go to the schooland monitor how I was doing. You know maybe we need more Mom's like that cause if you look at what the schools are turning out now it ain't a pretty picture.


Sorry BBKaze but this isn't a "mother's" point of view. This is a selfish point of view by someone who is a mother. She is thinking, believing and saying her son is above the rest of the team. In fact in her mind her son isn't there to be a part of the team but the team is there just to benefit her son. While it's true that both have to work together to have success you MUST accept your role on the team.

What some parents don't understand or comprehend is there is a hierarchy on a team. The older, bigger players play in front of younger, smaller players until the younger, smaller prove they are better. I have had several younger players who - in practice - were better than the older player but as soon as they got in the game they didn't produce.

So who do I play? Do I go with the older guy who isn't quite as good as the younger one but will perform consistently? Or do I stick with the younger guy who is going to mess up and cost us several games until he MIGHT learn to handle the game?

You are saying that a coach has to develop players by letting them play but I still owe the other 20 some guys a chance at winning. They work just as hard or harder than the younger guy to let the team achieve success. So you stick with the older guy because you know how he's going to perform and let the younger guy play in situations where he is going to succeed. But that means he's going to sit on the bench more than play. If he works hard in practice he won't fall behind. If he has a good attitude he won't fall behind. If he is a good teammate he won't fall behind. When he's ready then he will clearly take the starting position from the older guy.

When a coach moves a JV guy up to varsity it's rare it's because he's going to throw him into the lineup right away (although it has and does happen). Some people think that when a JV player is moved up to varsity he is entitled to playing time. That's wrong the only thing he has done is earned his spot on the varsity team. Now it's time to earn his playing time on the varsity team.
Originally posted by TPM:
We all have horror stories of team moms and dads.

I am just not sure whether this is the place to air it all out.
I apologize for offending you. I deleted all my posts including the original. I guess it's normal for a mother to criticize a kid for getting in an accident wiping out two player's seasons and forcing her son to be called up to sit on the varsity bench. The first player will be released from the hospital next week after two surgeries. A date has not been set for the other two since several more surgeries are pending. I tried to keep the subject confined to being upset regarding her son being called up. But I thought ongoing posts required more explaination. I was wrong. End of topic.
Last edited by RJM
In a way she is euphemistically saying play-him-or-trade-him. Mom's always know what's best for their kids...didn't anyone ever tell you that? Just get in between a Mom and her kid and you can have a very bad day. LOL know that one for certain, My wife and I had four of 'em.


Why do Moms always know what's best for their kids? In our business we have had occasion to hear from many Moms and Dads who believe their son was slighted. Some are polite, others are fools.

BTW, I know at least one Mom who had four kids and she never acted like this particular Mom. I think she understood that not always getting your way was an important lesson for her kids to learn. I know that because I've been married to her for over 40 years. I don't think she is the only one who has let their kids learn without making a fool out of themself.

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