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Just curious -- what has the rain done to your son's team's schedule this summer?

PS3's team is 31-5-3 -- at this time last year, we had played 47 games -- a difference of -8 games -- not as bad as for some, I guess. We played 8 fewer BBI league games this summer.

My guess is that some teams have lost 15-20 games.
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We lost 2 tournaments and had 3 tournaments that were rained shortened.
We have played 21 games.
This is a very disappointment for us, my son will be going into his senior year and we were really counting on him getting some exposure this summer. But with the rain and other circumstances he has had practically no exposure at all.
Now out of money, we will just have to count on High School and see what we can do with that.
I have a question for you all. My oldest is only 12, and is a good player. His only goal is to play HS baseball. I've heard a lot about kids getting rest from throwing, so my question is this: when do these kids get to let their arms rest, or does that only apply to younger kids?
I ask only because I want him to get him to HS with a healthy arm, and keep it healthy...
When I was 13, 14, and 15 I didn't really play serious fall baseball. For sure the months of November through January should be time that can (if needed) be used to rest.

I, after going through what I've been through with my arm, would suggest that you and your son find a good doctor/physical therapist and find some exercises that can be done in offseason to help improve the arm as well as prevent from injury. Now yes, a lot of you will say this is unreasonable... but when you know what I've been through and constantly go through to this day (probably until baseball is no more for me)... I wish I would've been doing something besides just resting in the offseason. That doesn't mean throwing, that means exercises. It all adds up... Also take into account that I was pitching from a very early age and was considered a "horse" from about 11... not trying to brag.
Last edited by Dtiger
If your son is playing top level select ball, then he may only be able to rest his arm during the months of November and December. This has been the case for my son over the last several years. (He'll be a senior this fall)

He didn't pick up a ball during those 2 months each of the last several years. He would crank back up in January to get ready for the spring season.

It works for him, he's never had a hint of arm trouble.
Last edited by Old Pitcher
Hey Satan,

Exactly what was the point of your post?

Why don't you offer up the "handful" of "things" Sky's son could be doing to increase his "exposure" rather than attempting to demoralize her post.

I for one know how highly educated and supportive she is of her children and other's kids, also.

Your post is of NO support or help to any of the posters on this site. Stop your incessant criticizing of others and making snide "sniff-sniff, poor soul" comments and attempt to become a constructive poster.

That would be a welcome change.
Last edited by collikar
My son's team has lost about 12 games this summer. They got to play only 1 game of 5 in a Houston Heat tourney and another Houston tourney was canceled altogether. It's gotta be difficult for these college scouts who are trying to see games and players this summer. Perhaps that is one of the reasons that there aren't as many verbal commitments by now as usual. (Of course, all the uncertainty regarding possible NCAA rules changes could be another big reason too.)
Originally posted by Diablo con Huevos:
Sky- kind of ironic to hear you say that now that you are out of money (sniff sniff) that you will just have to count on high school... poor soul.... why don't you re-read your Tommy Lasorda quote and figure out which one you should be... give ya a hint, not the latter...

I can think of a handful of things your son could be doing right now to increase his "exposure" - and you do not need to be on a field to do any of them...


You are way out of line here. Sky's son and my son play HS ball together and there is not a more genuine and hard-working mom raising three kids than her.

She is doing whatever she can to help her son, no matter what it takes. She was just lamenting the fact that rain has taken a number of games away from her son's team.

You need to lay off the jello-shots before you post. Better yet, log off...aren't there some dogs to kick or kids to steal candy from?
DCH needs to move to the Middle East site, he should feel more at home there. I second Tychco's post, She works hard to provide for her kids.

As for my son, his team has been rained out of 5 tournaments and has only played 3 innings in a game that meant something "tournament". We were not scheduled to play in a league this summer.
Originally posted by Diablo con Huevos:
Sky- kind of ironic to hear you say that now that you are out of money (sniff sniff) that you will just have to count on high school... poor soul.... why don't you re-read your Tommy Lasorda quote and figure out which one you should be... give ya a hint, not the latter...

I can think of a handful of things your son could be doing right now to increase his "exposure" - and you do not need to be on a field to do any of them...

Where is the irony. You can't even get you insults correct. Has anyone ever just told you , you are one weird dude. What kind of "exposure" are you looking for here from those players. Sounds kind of strange to me. I think you are a few beers shy of a six pack. And again I challenge you to state your affiliation. What SUPER team are you with. Probably no team, just a trouble maker.
Last edited by P1tickethead110

How about for some very basic starters... outside of making it a point to meet college coaches face to face...

make a phone call to college coaches that son is interested in... (or text)...

then send out Introductory Letters to all colleges he would be interested in attending.... (make sure you are up to date on current coaches name, they move around....

then you need to make sure a Bio-letter is sent out (include academic info on this one)...

then come this spring, a schedule-letter with your h.s. coaches contact info on it (summer coach as well) as well as any other scouts that have seen your son play...

then a quick 3-5 minute video letter...

all these should be spaced accordingly, but prob in that order... oh and return all letters he receives/calls he gets no matter what he thinks of the institution...

oh and HandyR- for care of your son's arm... acually get with someone with a degree in Exercise Science that has an emphasis in biomechanical principles of human movement... or a cert. exercise physiologist (you do not want a dr. or therapist if nothing is wrong...) but if you listen to a typical coach, dad or other players or guys that said they played here or there no matter how high the level they said they played - they still do not qualify to keep your son's arm in shape...

look to Cooper's Inst., or call local Universities and get ahold of someone in Exercise Science Dept. they can put you on the right road...

99 out of 100 dads on here don't know how many muscles make up a rotator cuff, let alone how many are on the front side of body relative to rear side and not to mention which muscles actually do what in the throw (i.e. extension, rotation, flexion, supinate, pronate)....
It's not my fight, and I do think that Diablo was off base, but I too, get a little annoyed with the "We don't have any money" statement. The kid got to play at least 21 games of select ball. I work with underprivaleged kids, and I can rattle off names of at least 12 good kids that would love to get the chance to play at least 21 games of select ball. But then again, I am extremely critical of the select league mentality that is pervasive among most parents and kids.
Originally posted by 316sports:
It's not my fight, and I do think that Diablo was off base, but I too, get a little annoyed with the "We don't have any money" statement. The kid got to play at least 21 games of select ball. I work with underprivaleged kids, and I can rattle off names of at least 12 good kids that would love to get the chance to play at least 21 games of select ball. But then again, I am extremely critical of the select league mentality that is pervasive among most parents and kids.

Every select club with whom I am familiar will not let $ stand in the way of a truly talented kid. "Scholarships" are arranged for kids who are good enough players.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Diablo con Huevos:

How about for some very basic starters... outside of making it a point to meet college coaches face to face...

make a phone call to college coaches that son is interested in... (or text)...

then send out Introductory Letters to all colleges he would be interested in attending.... (make sure you are up to date on current coaches name, they move around....

then you need to make sure a Bio-letter is sent out (include academic info on this one)...

then come this spring, a schedule-letter with your h.s. coaches contact info on it (summer coach as well) as well as any other scouts that have seen your son play...

then a quick 3-5 minute video letter...

all these should be spaced accordingly, but prob in that order... oh and return all letters he receives/calls he gets no matter what he thinks of the institution...

Diablo, Thank you for your suggestions, My son has done all of those items on your list so far, since they are on the Timeline of this Website.
I was only saying it was a disappointing summer
because of the rain and it has not gone the way we had hoped at all. That is the subject of the thread.
I am only trying to provide all of the opportunities
for my son that I possibly can.
I feel sure he will be fine
Overall the DBAT16's got in 39 or 40 games so far, only missed one tournament but it was a big one, the MMWS Qualifier. I think the rain did cause us to miss some BBI League games as well. But I guess they had it better than most.

Looking back on the season openning tournament I think that a lot of tournament organizers can learn from the guys in Burkburnett. With all the rain they had it was amazig that they got that tournament in. Yes, we started a game at 11:30 pm and I heard a couple of team played after us but they got the tournament in.

However that was the beginning of a Twilight Zone summer.....and now DCH is giving goos advice.

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