We also stretch as a team before every game-- if a player wnat to get there early and do more that is fine but we all stretch as a team unit--we also run as a team unit and we throw before games as a team unit
The elite team I mentioned and my old college team we did everything as a team. Unfortunately in college, we didn't get enough time get a good long stretch before doing our drills, and with other teams we'd only do hitting drills etc. as a team, our warm ups were on our own. So I'd show up about 10, 15 minutes before our scheduled 'arrival time' I guess you can say, so that I'm not getting the last bit of my stretching in while the others are playing catch, so I can then get my arm loose before the game starts.
One thing I think should be emphasized to, is to 'warm up' before stretching. You can't just show up to the park, stretch, and then throw, or play. You can pull muscles this way too if you're muscles aren't warmed up first. I'm not a scientists either, but according to a baseball training book I have (Complete Conditioning for Baseball) they explain the science there. Simply put, warming up the muscles to get the blood going by jogging, jumping jacks etc. helps to prepare your muscles for the stretching, whis is why it's best to jog, then stretch. Hope that makes sense.
Which is what I do for weight training as well. I jog, skip rope, jump jacks for at least a couple minutes, followed by resistance tubing for the shoulders, then on to the stretching. I also stretch after workouts/games to cool down and rid the body of lactic acids so I won't be sore the next day or two. I also stretch alot because it helps me feel "less cluttered", more loose, and rids my worry of pulling muscles and tendons (even though it's still possible, stretching makes it less possible). It helps out with my agility and explosiveness I find.
Coaches, I'm curious, what kinds of stretches do you have your team do? Static stretches (the normal stretch where you hold the stretch), dynamic( butt kicks, knee skips etc.)? Do you alter the routine each game/practice? Thanks.