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Sorry to hear it isn't working out as you expected so far. I think you'll find most of us on this site have been through something like you've described at some point during the recruiting process. Looking back, I think part of the blame goes to the coach, and part of the blame goes to us for allowing it go on. One of the frequent HSBBWeb posters has described college recruiting coaches as "the masters of ambiguity, disception and mis-remembering". While not ALL coaches fit that description there are some that do fit it like a suit.

I think what matters most is what you or your son does next. Can you provide us a little more information about your situation? You may still have some options. There are some posters who have found a program right up to the start of school.

Good luck!
It is exactly as it appears. Your son is the second or third choice of the coach and he is waiting for another commitment. (or not) He is his insurance policy like it or not. You need to keep looking and find a good place that fits your son. BTW this process can unfortunately go until August.

Keep the faith, it is madening but it will work out!
Last edited by BOF
I will add that my son is now at a highly rated small school taking a difficult major. (successfully) Their baseball program is also highly rated, the coaches are fantastic, he is really living the dream as they say....all because he got strung along by a program and we were not going to wait around. So keep your head up it is just part of the process. Most importantly don't take it personally. As they say it is just business.

Good Luck!
Last edited by BOF
Originally posted by BOF:
It is exactly as it appears. Your son is the second or third choice of the coach and he is waiting for another commitment. (or not) He is his insurance policy like it or not. You need to keep looking and find a good place that fits your son. BTW this process can unfortunately go until August.

Keep the faith, it is madening but it will work out!

That may be it, the coach is awaiting his A or B choice before he makes a move.
With that in mind, your son should be considering the choices based upon who REALLY wants him, your son's happiness will be worth the extra $$ you think you may save.

I don't think that most people who have really done their homework on the ins and outs of recruiting will tell you that they found coaches are used car salesman. The coach that is confidant in his program and his abilities as a leader and mentor, knows that if a player makes a decision NOT to attend, can move on without him then the player has to learn to move on as well.

Your son can call him to ask about an offer, but keep in mind, coaches recruit players, not the other way around.
Last edited by TPM
Thanks you guys, I got some info today that has me convinced they are playing with me; trying to get me as cheap as they can. That's a challenge, but still better than finding out I was 3rd on the list! I really can't say too much now; baseball world is way too small, but if everything works out I'll share my experience to help others down the line. And if anyone has advice on dealing with Sharks, please fill me in asap!
And if anyone has advice on dealing with Sharks, please fill me in asap!

Swim away quickly, and find another "school"

We had difficult finding the right fit but kept after it as BOF described in his experience. I couldn't imagine my son anywhere else. Find a school that wants you and welcomes you as TPM suggests. The recruiting experience is supposed to be lollipops, unicorns and rainbows with a program that wants you . If your recruiting experience is this rough I hate to think what it would be like once your in the program.
Last edited by fenwaysouth
Yes, sometimes they recruit insurance polices for their starters. Most of the time they don't have to cash them in, which means a wasted year of eligibility for the player. If they are lucky, coach will throw them in a few innings of a meaningless blowout game.

Not all are like this, you may want to research past rosters to see turnover. A high turnover indicates dissatisfaction, or as some like to politely say, "a bad fit".
Spot on PUHd and fws!

You want your son playing for a coach knowing the adjustments required of the college game, but having faith in his analysis of your son’s playing ability, and the confidence in his ability to make your son a “college” player. Knowing how and when to put a freshmen in where they can be successful. Then to keep running him out there, even though “the numbers” are not where they should be and to finally to be rewarded with success, for both the player and the coach.

Compare that with the shark.
You seem to be very bitter, I am sorry.

Sometimes I get confused as to who or what you are really unhappy with, coaches, players, your son or yourself.

This is not meant to begin an argument.

Not every coach that recruited son could win a personality test, and it was pretty obvious to him who was genuine and who was stringing him along (yes it happens to prospects too). But not one coach ever gave him the impression that the job was his to lose, but rather he had to earn the job. Sometimes that meant he had to wait. He played second to upperclassman in college, he wasn't a weekend starter until his junior year, and yes, IMO he was better than the others but that was just the way it is for many, and he was able to accept it and play whatever role they wanted to give him. Not that the college game is Utopia, because in most cases it's not, maybe that is what the problem is, most think that once they make the decision it becomes easier, truth is the hard work hasn't even begun.

Trust me, many of us here know how frustrating it is to be "blocked", unfortunately this is a very big part of this game, too many players (good ones too) and not enough starting positions.

When players and their parents accept this, life just get so much easier.

Last edited by TPM
Just an update... I ended up signing my NLI with a great athletic and academic package a few weeks ago and am very happy with my decision! It was a long process but everything ended up fine. Lesson to all looking at Southeast D2's...they rarely decide early in the spring, so play extremely well and invite the college coaches to your games! If they can't make it, have your parents video every game and send it to the coaches that are already interested in you. Also, don't believe the guys that say it is mostly over in the fall!!!
More advice-I hope this helps someone...grades do count!!! Way back in the summer college coaches were asking my travel coach who on his team had the grades to get into xyx Ivy schools and high academic schools. There were only 1 or 2 of us eligible.I didn't end up going the Ivy route, but it did get me offers and local attention. The school I ended up commiting to was very expensive. I could not have gone there without the athletic plus academic scholarships. So work hard, play hard!

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