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Sample of how I currently help pitchers understand how to make the most of their velocity by seeing and understanding shapes and how and why they happen. The ability to throw hard is one aspect, making the most of what you have is the real goal.
Frankly, most movement that is produced by amateur pitchers is termed false run, produced by early pronation at release, caused by a mechanical flaw and/or early acceleration (flat run) Most kids that have average velocity will get hitters out with false run, (amateur hitters tend to get themselves out) and some big league pitchers use false run because they can produce a high velocity. To get pro hitters out with average professional velocity, 2 plane downward movement is what is needed; this can be taught and is being taught. Ever wonder how Mad Dog and D Lowe get their fastball to “checkmark down” on the outside part of the plate? Players, amateur coaches and most lower level scouts pigeon hole the fastball and think of it as one dimensional. Professional pitching coaches and scouting directors embrace the concept of multiple planes, shapes and speeds. Because it gets hitters out game after game, year after year. If a kid learns to produce planes and shapes with his fastball (no matter the velocity) then they will be able to throw more strike, less pitches and ultimately get outs. (Not to mention enhance the use of off speed pitches)

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