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I'm sure that many of you have been on this site for awhile. However, I am new and each year there will be more people who find the site seeking information. They should be able to ask whatever they wish. If you're not interested in the question don't answer but if you can help someone, why wouldn't you? Banning anything would be the easy way out. People are just looking for help and your opinions matter.

Welcome to the HS Baseball Web! That's an interesting screen name - any meaning behind it?

You bring up a valid point about members being able to ask about anything, and I just wanted to make sure you saw the "LOL" in the title of this thread that micdsguy started. He was kidding about banning subjects - or at least half kidding! Big Grin Big Grin Eek

Again, welcome, and of course don't be afraid to share your questions ... and your answers! Wink

I just wanted to make sure you saw the "LOL" in the title of this thread that micdsguy started. He was kidding about banning subjects - or at least half kidding!

Mostly kidding. Fer sure, kids should be allowed to ask ALMOST anything.

Used to follow years ago and I REALLY got sick of seeing stuff like: "I'm 12 years old and top out in the mid-80s. Is that any good?"
1) I'm Interested in:

Nebraska..UCLA..Cal State Fullerton..Arizona St..
Rice..Miami..LSU..Wake Forest..NC St..Tennessee..
Vanderbilt..Miss St..etc..

"what can you tell me about their baseball program"

Ummmm 1st thing you do is reach for a pen and the 2nd thing you do is sign on the dotted line. Roll Eyes

2) Dick Mills

Please I'm beggin ya Big Grin

Happy New Year!

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