Originally posted by TPM:
The best advice given here is to control what you can and don't worry about what you can't and it seems to me that you want to have control over the situation.
You have been given some great advice and heard a lot of opinions, most do not see this as a negative for your son, try to move forward and enjoy the HS years.
I agree. Look, I have no problem if john314 follows my advice or anyone elses for that matter. What perplexes me is the following:
Originally posted by johnj314:
From a skill set (and I am not a parent that looks at his kid with rose colored glasses and thinks he is better than he really is) he is already one of the top pitchers and position players in the school based on what he has accomplished the last four or five years vis-a-vis the majority of the JV and varsity players
1) Apparently john knows more than the coaches who evaluate all the players everyday during practice
2) john doesn't trust them to make the right decisions
john - step back for a moment and consider how that sounds to outsiders. Why don't we just have parents vote on who should be on varsity and who should start? Maybe they could battle it out here on the hsbbweb and those parents who make the best arguments get to have their kids be the starters? Moreover, maybe you can just let them know who the varisty ought to be?
Most importantly, if you've decided that you know who should be on varsity, which other parent should be accorded that same right? Would you rather have another parent deciding the status of "your" player or would you rather have the coaches decide who see all of them play everyday? Do you see how contradictory that all is?
If you can determine things vis-a-vis the last four or five years, what do you think other parents might determine - especially the one parent your freshman replaces on varsity? or Are you the only impartial, part-time talent evaluator left in Missouri? The more I think about it, your whole argument is a contradiction and age has nothing to do with it. Parent-knows-best arguments generally don't go over well here at the hsbbweb but maybe you are the exception