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I know there was some discusion about summer teams being NCAA certified etc. Last night while my son was pitching a gentleman came up and gave us a slip of paper with his name and number and ask that we have our son call him about playing for a team he was helping organize this summer.

He said he was in a hurry cause he had to get to another game but basically he was a friend of a scout and another friend of the scout was going to coach a team of college students. He said the scout wasn't involved other than he was helping the coach of the team to identify talent for the team. It is for a 56 or 58 summer game schedule, of course there would be a fee to play but it wasn't going to be very expensive and if our son called him he would go over the details and again apologize for having to leave.

So what type of questions should he ask? Is there anything he should ask that might jepordize his college eligibilty? I know it isn't one of the more elite summer teams but it sounded good in that many of the games were going to be played on our home town, which would allow him also to work and play.

So if you have any thoughts or questions he shoulod ask please let me know, He probaly won't call for a day ot two because he knows one of the players the guy mentioned and he was going to ask him about it before calling him

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