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Dear Business Owners,

My name is Andy Satunas and I am the sophomore baseball coach at Lockport Township High School. I am the co-commissioner of the Junior Varsity Summer Baseball League. My partners in running this league are Steve Millsaps (sophomore baseball coach at Joliet High School) and Rich Kowalczyk (freshman baseball coach at Stagg High School).

The JV summer league is a chance for more kids to have opportunities to play in the summer for their high school and to be coached by their high school coaches. The league will be made up of primarily sophomores with some juniors that do not make the varsity summer league. All teams will play a 15 game season followed by a post season tournament. As of right now, we have 19 teams committed to the league. Last year, in the inaugural season, there were only 8 teams. The teams are comprised from the Southwest suburbs.

One of the biggest benefits to this league is that we will be playing our championship and 3rd place games at Silver Cross Field. The championship will occur on July 18, 2007. We are hoping that this will bring out the best competition that will benefit our teams in the upcoming regular season.

As you probably can understand, it can be hard to run a quality league without quality finances. I am asking for a donation in your company or organization’s name to the JV summer league. Besides the cost of Silver Cross Field, we are attempting to buy T-Shirts for all the teams. The cost of the T-Shirts will run around $4,000. Also, the league wants to provide umpires for the entire tournament, which will run around $765.

We are asking for any financial help that you can give our league. With a donation to this league, we will display a sign with your company’s/organization’s name. The sign will be displayed during the regional, quarterfinals, semi-finals, and championship games. Also, your company/organization’s name will be announced over the public address speakers during the 3rd place and Championship games at Silver Cross Field. Once a donation is made, I will send you a schedule for our season.

If you have any questions about this league, you can feel free to contact me. Checks can be made payable to JTHS JV summer baseball. I hope your organization will help our organization make this a quality and exciting league.

Thank you,

Andy Satunas
JV Summer League Commissioner
Social Studies Teacher
Sophomore Baseball Coach
Lockport Township High School

Contact Information:

2007 JV summer league teams:

Joliet Lockport Stagg Br. Rice
LW North LW Central LW East Argo
Shepard Oak Forest Reavis St. Laurence
Crete Monee H-F Andrew Marist
Peotone Marian Catholic Downers Grove North

Southwest Suburb
JV Summer Baseball League
Sponsorship Levels

Platinum Level: $150.00

At this donation level, your company will receive:
1. A sign with your company’s name on it displayed at the quarterfinals (7/16), semifinals (7/17), and finals (7/18).
2. Your company’s name read over the loudspeakers at Silver Cross Stadium (Joliet, IL) during the Championship Day (7/18).
3. Your company’s name printed in our league program that will be distributed to all teams.
4. Your company’s name on our website.

Gold: $100.00

1. Your company’s name read over the loudspeakers at Silver Cross Stadium (Joliet, IL) during the Championship Day on July 18th.
2. Your company’s name printed in our league program that will be distributed to all teams.
3. Your company’s name on our website.

Silver: $50.00

1. Your company’s name printed in our league program that will be distributed to all teams.
2. Your company’s name on our website.
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest


I believe that you need permission from MN-Mom to run this advertisement.

I'm shocked that you would come on this forum and ask for donations.

With neighborhoods filled with $600,000 homes in Lockport and Homer Glen, the parents should pay for their own kids to play somewhere.

I'm embarrassed for you.

Why don't the kids go out and sell tickets or sponsor a car wash or something?

I coached a very successful 15-16 Upper Deck Cougars team several years ago; and, the cost of playing in competitive tournaments is not all that expensive...Entry fees; umpires; full sets of uniforms and shoes cost about $500-600 per person.
Wow! What a response.... where should I begin.

1. I apoligize for my post if this sort of thing is not allowed in the forum. I thought that this was a place where many people, who care and support the game of baseball, come together for a common cause- the kids!

2. I am not asking for donations for my team. My kids will be paying a fee to play on the Lockport team, as will every other kid from all 19 high schools involved in our league. If you re-read the post, we are asking for business donations to our league to help defer costs from all kids, teams, and schools. We are trying our best to run a quality league to make it an enjoyable experience for all kids from all 19 teams.

I hope this helps clarify the reason for the post.

Have a great day!
I would have to say wow as well....maybe this just was not the place to post it

We have ran a great program for 20 years and we do everything. We charge kids a small fee, we have events like our golf outing, and we also get a lot of donations. From people in the community that know the impact that we have had/have on kids and their future, to alumni who were a part of our program and now give back
I am not sure about the website policy, but considering this post is still up in its entirely means to me that it is either o.k. or the policing bodies have not determined this post to be unwarranted. Include DGS and I will consider a donation. Keep the nprogram going in the future and once the college tution disappears I will become a donor. I think the concept and the effort is a good one (playing baseball is always good unless you are scheduling games on Friday and on weekends to purposely disrupt travelball) but there are a lot easier ways to raise money. Forget about the tee shirt budget....the players should pay for their own tee shirts if they are interested in receiving one. It makes your fundraisng effort much easier. And yes, there are some that think I am an expert on both fundraising and minimum out of pocket player cost contribution.
indians08 and Isc59,
Thanks for the advice and the kind words. To tell you the truth, we as an organization (Southwest Suburb J.V. League) were just taking a "shot in the dark" by posting this letter here. The other two organizers and myself have all been active in our communities in seeking support for our league. The reason we decided to post the letter here was that we thought that we may be even to reach more potential sponsors for our league. As you can see, our league spans from Peotone to Argo and Downers Grove North to Joliet and many schools in between. We thought that this may be a forum where we would be able to peak interest in those areas that our league serves.

I know that we mentioned the wish to buy t shirts for all the players in our league. This is just one of the goals that we have. While this goal may seem minimum, we know that our players love to get t-shirts to wear around and show off there accomplishments and things that they are involved in. While not every team in our league will win a trophy/ or get to play at Silver Cross Field (Only 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place), we hope that we can expand this league in the future so that more kids get this great opportunity do things like that.

The bottom line is that we are three young, excited coaches that care about the kids. We hope to give every player in our league the best experience as possible. We also hope to continue to grow our league so that we can get as many teams as possible to join in the future. We are all very excited that we were able to exceed our goals for number of teams in our league during our first year organizing it and want to do our best to get the word out to teams (Like DGS) that decided not to be involved this year. We think that this forum is a great place to spread the word.

Once again, thank you for the support and advice. As we move forward in our infant stage in our league, I am sure we will continue to learn more and more about the finer things involved in running a well respected and established league.

Why don't you just say no or ignore the post? Instead, you fuel your bloated ego by depantsing the man in front of an audience. We all understand by your name that you've been there, done that. Some people haven't.

It's not like he's panhandling to buy himself a pint of booze. He's trying to raise some money for kids to play ball. Big deal. Are there better ways to look for money? Of course. ... But get off your high horse.
Wow! I'm shocked someone would post a reply without reading a message entirely or understand what it is asking for. Andy is asking for donations to the LEAGUE (which includes LW East), not his team, not his community! The 19 teams covered in the post covers alot of ground east, west, north and south. Baseball today is slowly becoming a rich man's sport. $300 bats, $200 gloves, $100 spikes, $500-$600 travel teams.....where do the costs end for playing a game. Congrats for starting a competitive summer league and trying to limit the cost for the players.
Last edited by Stu6
In a previous post, coach stated that it is a mid-week league. Most travel at the high school age is done on the weekends anyways. My son said he wished it would have been in place last summer when he would have been able to play in it. This is a positive for the kids and all of the programs. Good luck, and have fun. There is no place better to be than at the 'ole ballpark.
Last edited by Tuzigoot
Rosy brought this thread to my attention and thought it might be helpful for me to comment.

I don't have any problem with the original post in this thread. I guess we wouldn't want to encourage every league or every team to request donations, and I always encourage "Buyer Beware" ... check out an organization before giving or spending money.

But I can't see any harm being done here and I appreciate that the original poster identified himself and his co-commissioner/partners. They sound like well-intentioned baseball guys to me.
Stu...I read the posting in its entirety, thank you.

Know exactly what they are asking

If the policy of the HSBaseballweb site is now encouraging this type of solicitation on this site, then were do you draw the line?

With the encouragement for others to do so, you should soon see people asking for donations on each thread.

If these young coaches are motivated enough to get this league up and going, my hat is off to them. Seems last I looked, their vacations are at that time. Shows me they have a passion for the game and a love for teaching the game to our high school kids. This world needs more of these guys. Whos kidding who here. Good luck guys, your schools should be gratful that they have you.

Was watching CNN the other day and listened to a father of the young lady that was gunned down at the dorm in Virginia this past week. He and his son were speaking. If you had the chance to see this, it was something special. I wonder if I was the only person wondering why I ever sweat the small stuff. The courage and the strength this guy had was tremendous.

Then it got me wondering how many lives were effected by that...

You have the War, 9/11 and all it brought, Virginia Tech , even the Navy guy yesterday.

I am sorry for taking this off the topic but come on people, these are our kids role models and educaters and at a time in this world when so much bad is happening, these hs coaches want to help a student get ahead and do something constructive with there off time, a big thumbs up to you.....

Sorry about the rumbling on, I feel better now!

Don't you dare apologize for "rumbling on". Everything that you mentioned will trump anything baseball related any time any day and you are 100% correct about sweating the small stuff. I feel terribly selfish for getting upset about the things that I get upset about (small things that seem "big" at the time), when I see something like the events that you mentioned. My problems are trivial compared to what those people are going through. My thoughts and prayers are with them all.
Gees....What a STRETCH!

You have the War, 9/11 and all it brought, Virginia Tech , even the Navy guy yesterday.

Sophomore high school coaches in Illinois soliciting money donations from businesses for sophomore summer high school baseball teams HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH: the War; 9/11; Virginia Tech; and, the Navy guy.

All of those referenced events are TRAGIC.

Compared to those events, the money solicitation is FLUFF.
Our league would like to thank everyone for the overwhelming support. We have been contacted by many businesses who want to support the game of baseball in our area. Thank you so much.

As we recieve donations from these businesses, we will be posting the sponsors on our website.

Please be sure to check it out and support these outstanding businesses!

Thanks again for all of the support!

Andy Satunas

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