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Younger son signed his contract today to play with Front Royal of the Valley League, after playing for New Market last summer. Nothing but good things to say about New Market, Front Royal, and the Valley League. Excellent competition, good fans, all located in the Shenandoah Valley...and not the least of blessings, several teams located within 25 minutes of our front door-no 3 hour drives as we have with the college regular season games.
Originally posted by hokieone:
Younger son signed his contract today to play with Front Royal of the Valley League, after playing for New Market last summer. Nothing but good things to say about New Market, Front Royal, and the Valley League. Excellent competition, good fans, all located in the Shenandoah Valley...and not the least of blessings, several teams located within 25 minutes of our front door-no 3 hour drives as we have with the college regular season games.

hokie - I agree! Front Royal has a beautiful new stadium and we really enjoyed our time and the people there. Congrats to your son!

PS - There is a funky dinosaur exhibit down the road from FR. Let us know what's inside if you should happen to check it out.

He will have a great time on the Forestors. Very talented team, good competition, great area and good coaching. One of my players that I coached in the CMWS is going to play there.

You will have a blast visiting and you can listen to all the games via webcast.

I see you have the rainbow icon - did you play there? I almost played for them about 30 years ago for Coach Murakami.

Best of luck
Redstormdad, thanks! He's playing for Brainerd and in looking at the maps, I could tell there will be long bus rides. Look like a portable dvd player may be under the tree...glad to hear good things! Looks like there are some lakes around Brainerd so he's hoping to get some fishing in. He's excited about the crowds in NWL - that will be a new experience!
Hey Sizzle..

Regarding the Forresters...Know the coaches, know the program, know the league (Mine had two fun summers in that league, and played the Forresters a bunch)...great opportunity for your son and fun for you! Class organization, well funded. And a trip to SB is not to be missed.

Forresters play down the street from us a few times a year...maybe we'll connect this summer.

Cool 44

We hope to be fortunate enough to return. Farmington is the greatest experience.
The people in New Mexico are so friendly and the Farmington community and foster families are the absolute BEST. Our boys are still getting letters and care packages from their foster parents.
Hope to see you next time around.
Originally posted by Hintite:
My son is headed to Northwoods league this summer.

My bucks are on all of 'your son's' having the greatest of greatest experiences of their amateur career and young lifetime from the Northwoods League (unless the experiences include the College WS at Rosenblatt).

The Northwood League is "How the game should be played."

Hurrah for the Duck Pond, and the Great Dane Beer Batter!

Last edited by Bear
just a question. my son looks like heading to a JC next year, but wondering how do they get placed on these summer teams? i dont think the JC does this. he has senior legions but dont think that will be competitive enough and would like to find out if there is way for a jc player to get placed. anyone have any ideas would love to hear them so I can begin to do the research or let my son. thanks

These type of leagues are for college players, until your son steps foot on a college campus he is not a college player (any level). There are some leagues that do allow for those entering, but not sure how competitive they are. Maybe someone out yuor way has some insight, or contact one of the websters from your state who post often.

When your son chooses where he wishes to attend, I would suggest that he speak with coach about a summer team before he enters, he may have a preference.
If you ask the JC coach which teams allocate him some spots he can tell you.
Summer league teams tell your coach they need X players from him and he fills those spots. Most are freshnen and sophs so after your son's freshman year he is eligible to fill a spot if the coach recommends him. Your last eligible year is after his JR year. They generally offer spots in the fall but many also in the spring. Lots of turn over due to injury etc.
Originally posted by TPM:

These type of leagues are for college players, until your son steps foot on a college campus he is not a college player (any level). There are some leagues that do allow for those entering, but not sure how competitive they are.

TPM, actually the Northwoods league does accept players during the summer after high school graduation and before they start their freshman year.

fan, many of the JC programs in Northern CA actually run their own summer program. While it has some "distance" from the JC, it is pretty much the same players. You would want to check with the JC coach/program in your area to determine if they do run a summer program for their players.
If not, many JC players do get placed around the country, if the JC coach believes in it and works at it. Takes a lot of phone work and contacts but you will find a number of California JC players on rosters from New England to Alaska.
Originally posted by fanofgame:

I was just asking ahead of time. like once he plays for a year. do the college coaches do this or is there another way?

Oh ok, I thought you meant before. Usually coaches do the placing, based upon your son's season and his circumstance.

Thanks for that info. Now if I do recall, some drafted players have played the summer in some leagues before they begin, especially if negotiations are a standstill and the player wants to prove he's worth more in signing bonus.
My son played in three summer leagues during his college career, Northwoods, Coastal and Valley. He always knew by October at the latest where he would be playing the following summer. Most college coaches are aggressive in getting their players placed but an individual can make contact on their own. Summer teams will sign upwards to 35 players for a 22-25 man roster knowing some will be drafted, injured or remaining behind to attend school. However, I do know of instances in the Valley where guys took JUCO courses at Virginia JCs and still played.
infield dad,

how would son get ahold of this league you are talking about, otherwise this summer he will play senior legions and then some tournament ball to round out summer, then after next year at the JC. we will ask the JC coach about this. is it the collge coaches that place them? i know the D3 my son was considering was sending out parework in the early fall to find places for their kids.
BB -
It do not believe that it is mandatory to have a foster family. Some players might stay with a relative or in a dorm with some other players. My son will be playing in the CICL for the DuPage Dragons about a 30 minute drive for me. Therefore, jr. will be residing at home for half the season.

Let's get this heat turned up and get started. It's freezing here in Chicago

Good luck to everyone on a great 2008 summer
My son played in the NYCBL last summer. Hada great time and met some great people. The league was well run and most of the facilities, especially Gelns Falls were top notch. They played 6 games a week (Mondays off)almost all night games.

I know for a fact that the NECBL and the NYCBL did not require players to live with a host family. It actually saves them work. The Danbury team was looking for players locally who did not require housing.

My son lived with 3 other players last summer and I felt that was too much. Especially being a position player living with 3 starting pitchers who won't be playing every day. Some late nights...

making me feel old... I have 2 players from our team last year heading out to Watertown for next Summer. One kid is in College in Kentucky and the other is in Arizona. They get to reunite in the Summer this year.

Reason it makes me feel old... That was my first home Pro park with the Watertown Pirates a couple moons ago. Actually roomed with Orlando Merced and Moses Alou there. (And no, I never saw the pee pee on the hand thing,must have gained that knowledge later in life)) Worst thing about my experience with WT was I had to wear those rediculous Pittsburgh Pirates hats from the early-mid 80s. Looked like a darn train conducter on the good memories though.

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