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My son called and said that he received a contract for his summer team in the Texas league. Not having seen it yet, I have to wonder exactly what the contract is all about and why it is necessary. What part of my son's life is he being asked to sign away here?
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Summer collegiate wood bat leagues are some of the real fun of college. The contract, in effect, says if your son plays next summer, he will play in a team with the TCL. It is pretty one sided but for the most part, who cares. Your son will be playing in a league where professional scouts will have a chance to evaluate his skills with wood bats. He will play against some of the best players in America. It will be an experience very close to life in the minor leagues. Our son loved those summers. I wouldn't be too suspicious. If he has a good summer, he might get summer in the Cape.
Look upon the contract as a summer NLI, your son is basically promising he will go play for that sanctioned league and no other. The contract helps to avoid players switching leagues before summer ball begins. Lots of time and effort goes into planning their rosters, housing, jobs for players, planning transportation, etc.
Your son is not bound to the contract if he wishes to not play summerball for any reason, or play for a non sanctioned league.
Son called today and stated he is signing such a contract on Friday.....he is too far away for us to be there and review it with too was a little concerned.....but from what I'm's simply a committment to play for one team....and nothing else....if I've got it wrong.....please advise.....
Last edited by LadyNmom
Congrats to your son. Great news. Let us know where he is being signed.
While we never had any issues with our's contract, and he had two great summers, I remember one post recently where someone was being charged for playing and also had fundraising responsibilities. I don't know where that ended. Worth checking out, but it is not a requirement associated with most summer leagues. get our son to fax something....we can't even get him to print airline confirmations/reservations......he is not showing very much responsibility in things not related to school and baseball! Infielddad....our conversation today went something like this:

"Hey Mom, I'm playing in North Carolina this summer, have to sign the contract Friday."
"Great son, what team?"
"I forgot the name."
"Well, where abouts in North Carolina?"
"Forgot that too, and I'm going to bed now. Pulled an all nighter and I'm beat. Good night." Wish I could blame the all nighter on his loss of memory....

We are happy he will have the opportunity.....with the broken wrist last season he has yet to play in an official season's just sometimes......a little more information would be helpful....

Coach are a lucky parent!
Last edited by LadyNmom
Don't worry, the contracts are basiclly standard
as mentioned above, it's just like signing an NLI. That you will play for no other sanctioned team.
I strongly suggest that players DO work over the summer. Jobs are really meaningless, for example mine had yard duty, then helped in camp.
He had to get up early each day(no sleeping in late), head to field for picking up rocks Roll Eyes, then to gym, then back to field. He said he liked his routine as it kept him on track for getting back to his early school schedule. Working out in the gym (while others headed to the beach) gave him an edge over being in top shape this fall.
NCAA rules prohibit "free" room and board.

Cape is 50 per week. It is not given to the family directly, but to the coach who gives it to the family. Most families turn around and give it back as a donation back to the team.

They get some of their transportation paid for. I personally don't get it, but that's the rules!

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